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Isn't it lovely with a web site/blog that is text centered?

Plain text, blue underlined links, white background, that's it.

The article is about Debian, one of the operating systems I like more. ,

Well, now I have updated my router! I have swapped its outdated stock firmware to the updated OpenWrt firmware! OpenWrt is a Linux operating system for embedded devices. If you are interested, read my blog post:

The "advantage" with macOS and Windows is that I do not need to upgrade to new releases. Because my HW is outdated. Last weeks I have on old HW spent time to upgrade to latest releases of Debian and Mint; to Debian 12 and Mint 21.2 respectively. Soon to come will be upgrade to LMDE 6. Long live old hardware with Linux operating system!

I needed to generate a barcode. I like open source software. So I installed Zint, a bar code generate sw. I installed on Linux. Zint did the job I expected it to do.

I believe I have successfully upgraded Debian from Bullseye to Bookworm! Xfce desktop. Debian documentation is extensive but somwhat difficult to find. I will review a bit more of post-installation topics. Documentation for Debian 12 Bookworm:

Anyone who run Linux (replaced macOS) on any Intel iMac?

So, now I've listened to another episode of Distrohoppers' Digest, the recent #43. They test different Linux operating systems. I like the show and I can learn without the need to test myself although it is tempting to test something new. distrohoppersdigest.blogspot.c

Have you upgraded / installed Debian 12? Which desktop? I want to read your first impressions!

Suggestions of good websites or other resources re converting Apple desktops and laptops to GNU/Linux? Models, issues, how-to etc. I have installed Linux on PCs but never on Apple.

Is this the first copy of "The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course" by Kyle Rankin in Sweden?

Arrived to me today. Published in USA in April, printed on demand in Europe. The topic is of interest to me (although likely some chapters too advanced for my needs), Kyle has good knowledge about the topic and is a good writer and finally I am curious about testing how print on demand works. @kyle

As internet browser in the terminal, I use Lynx. What do you use?

I installed Snap on Debian 11.6 because I wanted to use a software temporarily that was only available as a snap. So now, when done, I have uninstalled both applications and snap itself. Snapfree. Maybe snap is good, but I try not to complicate too much for myself. Beside standard Debian package format (.deb). I use AppImage and a few FlatPak. So far I prefer AppImage over FlatPak and FlatPak over Snap, but first hand I use Debian package format. That's me, you are free to differ.

Nu har jag undersökt att köra Android på datorn. Det är en fortsättning på förra veckans artikel om alternativa operativsystem för mobiltelefoner. Läsning för den nyfikne!

I have installed Waydroid on my Linux Debian 11.6 Xfce (Bullseye). That seems ok. But nothing is seen when I launch it. As I understand it is because I run an X11 session and not a Wayland session. I have to learn and explore more, I believe it can work. An experiment for tomorrow or another coming day. I am a Linux user, not expert. Learning in progress!

Chrome OS and Android are based on the Linux kernel. Hence they are Linux operating system.

But at the same time, "we" often do not count them in same family as CentOS, Fedora, RHEL, Debian, Mint, Ubuntu touch, Mobian and so on.

But how come? How do we distinguish between Chrome and Android vs the other; how is the separation defined? Or do you disagree with the starting point?

Question to more compentent Linux persons:

Except to get a later release of a software, is there any other reason(s) for (on Linux Mint) to install FlatPak, Snap or AppImage instead of a deb from the repository?

Anyone who has experience of Volla mobile phone with Volla OS and/or Ubuntu touch OS?

I think I recall the crowdfunding, although I did not join. Seems as Ubuntu touch has come far to become a real OS. Nevertheless, both those OS have the same fundamental problem with important apps (like BankID and Swish) that only are available from Apple and Google store, requiring two phones. But very tempting phone!

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