Jag tycker det är rätt kul att starta nätradion, i detta fall P4Plus enkelt från tangentbordet. Med superknappen (windowsknappen), sedan skriva "ter" och enter, så öppnar terminalen sig, och där skriver jag bara:
cvlc https://sverigesradio.se/topsy/direkt/4951-hi-aac.m3u
Och då startar radion direkt att ljuda i datorn! Just vlc i kommandot för att jag kör mha VLC mediaspelare. Och terminalen har kvar i minnet att jag spelat denna station förut, så bara pil upp till rätt rad och enter.
#terminalkul #linux #ljudiskällan
För något år sedan köpte jag boken Linux systemadministration från grunden av Jack-Benny Persson. Jag har läst delar av den, och haft nytta. Jag vill läsa hela boken, men den går att läsa lite hoppigt som uppslagsbok.
Nu i veckan köpte jag två böcker till av Jack-Benny som jag är nyfiken på och kanske läser:
- Demonerna på internet. En introduktion till TCP/IP-protokoll, internet och säkerhet
- Docker från grunden
I read posts in my Mastodon flow that a new powerful Apple Mac mini is coming. I have a macMini from 2014, now too old for macOS updates and stored for any back-up need for a while (potential new use case tbd). It has been a good machine. I'm sure the new macMinis are very good both hw and sw. But I've for time being lost interest in new Apple products and is satisfied with Linux as my daily driver. #linux #apple #opensource #macmini
I compare version of yt-dlp software between Linux distributions:
Debian 12.7: 2023.03.04
LMDE 6: 2023.07.06
Mint 22: 2024.04.09
LMDE has Debian 12.1 as base. For all I know, LMDE use Debian Stable release, like Debian itself.
I am surprised that LMDE has a newer version than Debian. All distributions were up to date when I compared today.
Can you explain?
How do you calibrate your monitor on Linux?
I use DisplayCAL, a GUI (and more) based on Argyll. And I use X11. Wayland appears troublesome for color management:
From Argyll I read:
"As a consequence there is little prospect of ArgyllCMS being able to support display calibration and profiling for Wayland.
So my current advice for people wanting to use a color managed display on Linux is to stick to X11."
Thank you for your answers to my Linux open source software question at the top of this thread.
Mastodon/Fediverse is great, so nice we humans on earth can communicate and support each other.
I want to download websites so I can access it offline, with preserved navigation. Let's say a few hundred articles/pages.
Any suggested tool/method? To be done on a Linux machine, preferable with opensource tool.
Tune in this pod episode!
Thank you Moss @zaivala and Ken @ken_fallon for your for the nice interview!
Thank you Moss for singing for us!
You hear Ken interview Moss on Hacker Public Radio.
I believe I one day must install Bodhi Linux, I think I have tested on live CD. I have a cheap spare laptop running Mint Xfce, thinking playing with Haiku OS on it, but Bodhi can be an alternative.
@hpr #HackerPublicRadio #HPR #FullCircleMagazine #MintCast #Bodhi #Linux
Krita, the digital painting software, turns 25 years! Interesting interview with its main maintainer.
Krita is a free and open software.
Listen to the interview on Hacker Public Radio, the episode today is dedicated to Krita.
https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr4157/index.html #Krita #painting #opensource #FOSS #Linux #HackerPublicRadio #pod @hpr
I have been using VueScan for many years. I am not aware of any Linux software that is nowhere near as good as VueScan. Do you know any? #Linux #Photography #VueScan #scanner
Are you into Linux?
Then you may be interested in the episode today on Hacker Public Radio pod when I talk for a few minutes under the summary A frozen Linux computer can safely be rebooted with the reisub key sequence.
Welcome to tune in and listen!
My laptop restarted well after frozen at turn off, with the reisub command. Relief!
#linux #reisub #restart https://www.howtogeek.com/119127/use-the-magic-sysrq-key-on-linux-to-fix-frozen-x-servers-cleanly-reboot-and-run-other-low-level-commands/#cleanly-restarting-your-system
Twenty seven years of Linux is a good pod show episode on Hacker Public Radio. It gives me, among else, several new softwares to look into. By @climagic https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps/hpr4095/index.html #HackerPublicRadio #linux
I must tell the world: Three months passed with Linux LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) as my daily computer driver. It works very well.
Coming from macOS (and long time Windows), but been playing with Linux for a few years and Unix as job daily driver back in the days.
Is it a bad idea to use a laptop as a Jellyfin media server? Is it far better to use a desktop for that?
Two months with Linux as my daily PC driver. I do not regret it.
I have walked from Microsoft Windows via Apple macOS to LMDE Linux Mint Debian Edition.
Most of my computer software, operating system as well as applications, are free and open source software.
Vulnerabilities in GNU C Library’s syslog()
Sårbarhet i Linux. Vulnerability in Linux. https://www.cert.se/2024/01/sarbarheter-i-linuxkomponent.html https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-threat-research/2024/01/30/qualys-tru-discovers-important-vulnerabilities-in-gnu-c-librarys-syslog
Debian update report (if I read correctly): https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2024/msg00018.html It looks as for LMDE 6, my OS, is the update available and installed on my machine.
#linux #sårbarhet #vulnerability
Did you also delete hidden macOS files when you migrated to Linux?
https://www.hemrin.com/walking-to-linux/hidden-macos-files-on-my-linux-lmde #linux #macos #WalkingToLinux
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer