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I'm proud to be part of the Purism team. Changing the world for the better!
Long live the

Instead of I'm using a test client to hack on 's gesture support. The red bar basically maps to phosh's top-panel. Red meaning `folded`, green `moving` and blue `unfolded`. The first prereqs for this are already merged and I hope to submit more over the next weeks. Animations need more work as does cancelation, etc but it's moving forward. The way it's implemented works for other kinds of gestures too and also for mouse and laptop touchpad gestures.

Not sure why but seems to now need a network while moving modems. my 192.168.0.X did not work, but sprang to life the moment the LAN was switched.

Made a GPL penny pincher puzzle box. Reminds me of being a kid again.

Working on controlling a drone with the Librem 5. Today I figured out how to stream video from a Skydroid 5.8Ghz OTG Receiver.
`guvcview -d /dev/video3 -g none`

Playing around with theming on the Librem 5:
tar -xvf ./purple_gnu.tar -C ~/.config/gtk-3.0/
rm ./purple_gnu.tar
sudo systemctl restart phosh

Playing with Mate running on Byzantium/Librem 5. Looks like you can run mate-panel from inside phosh.😆

With phoc being a phone compositor and touchscreen being a primary input device, mouse pointer handling has been a bit neglected - but it's going to change soon! Fixing some pointer-related bugs and adding quality of life improvements in :) @purism

"me in the morning, right after I turned the switches on"

This may not be the most impressive winter selfie (it's a 8M sensor outputting 0.3M after all), but you got to start somewhere :)

I did nothing but taking the photo (looped in a script with v4l2-ctl and dcraw; then displayed on screen using Eye of GNOME) - all the credit goes to Dorota and Martin, and the work continues there:

Your Smartphone Doesn't Have To Be Glued Shut!

The was recently featured in a hardware tear-down video by

Ok, maybe it's not that impressive for a regular person in 2020, but right now I'm playing Neverball in VR mode using cardboard headset with fully FLOSS GL driver (etnaviv) on a GNU/Linux phone (Librem 5) and it's damn amazing! :D @purism

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml