@royal @CharismaticBatman I don't know what MacDonald would be trying to say if he meant the place Hell when he said "HELL" in that quote. Since the unsaved "go away into eternal punishment" (Matthew 25:46) I doubt it is to "burn the evil out of you".
@royal @CharismaticBatman To most of that: word. Not to be argumentative, but this is a big deal theologically; where do you go if you die rejecting Jesus? Matthew 25:41 says that you go "into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels". (Matthew 25:31-46 is a great passage by the way — a dark topic, but a critical one.)
@CharismaticBatman @royal Well to be clear it is the teaching of Christianity that those who reject Jesus go to the place Hell (or maybe technically the "Lake of Fire" I guess, I don't know the exact theology), and a place of no exit.
That's what's throwing me off with this MacDonald quote here.
I wonder what the context was.
@royal Interesting, I'm only seeing this reply, my question, and your original post....
@w84death Smart, I like it!
Discover strange and fascinating, untouched videos using the "IMG_XXXX" search.
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I made a simple tool to automate this ;)
@royal What does the "burn the evil out of you" part mean?
@w84death Love to see it in operation!
@256 Boy that graphic looks creepy
@printer @lukechairwalker No as a Christian I can verify that Christianity takes biblical events literally, that's one of the main things that makes it Christianity
@jerry I was reading through a Mastodon "Explore" page and am surprised to find someone saying to be nice to others despite an election result they may have not liked 😁 nice
I feel like every time I get this suddenly upset at a good or service, it ends up being an overreaction
Thanks to @arraybolt3 I was able to fix the issue. Honestly I overreacted when the website I was using was able to change my settings and bookmarks, it shouldn't be able to do that without a good prompt from the browser and outside of the website view....
Also Firefox Sync didn't *replace* my bookmarks anyway, but *merged*.
That said, my settings are still messed up, but thankfully my carefully created site cookie whitelist wasn't deleted from. So there's that!
@arraybolt3 Looks like it could help. Checking it out!
@arraybolt3 I figure that must be it
Does anyone know how I can get my bookmarks and settings back? I didn't tell it to sync, I just signed in to a Mozilla website and Firefox just decided to overwrite everything 😡😡
This shader shows the extent of your fovea on your visual field:
"Look at any specific point and you should clearly see the extent of your fovea (the stars only seem to be rotating in a small circle at the center of your vision). Move your head back and forth to see it grow/shrink. Works better in full screen mode."
(You need to click the link, not look at the static image.)
Hello there!
I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.
I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/
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