Rather than finding a new church, I would suggest instead to stop believing in any religion until some god makes you walk on water, fly or produces some miracle you dream of (like world peace).
@printer @lukechairwalker No as a Christian I can verify that Christianity takes biblical events literally, that's one of the main things that makes it Christianity
@golemwire @lukechairwalker i'm also a christian and i will have to disagree + i'm not the only christian to think this way. I do acknowledge the possibility that we're in minority though.
every one i've been in, jesus' miracles were recorded for what they were in the bible because they were the signs people were relying on to tell them that he was god - that they actually happened and the specific way in which they happened were considered no less necessary than the way he hinted at his divinity for that (which *were* parables and analogies but there had to be actual things to be analogous to)
i guess in theory at some points in my life i could have joined one of the churches that held otherwise but i never saw the point