This is interesting, about #Bitcoin and #China and so on:
"The threat of an unregulated alternative monetary system emerging from blockchain technology is a clear and present danger to the Communist party, according to observers."
"Jim Cramer, a former hedge fund manager and CNN business expert, said the government in Beijing “believe it’s a direct threat to the regime because … it is outside their control”."
Happy 32nd birthday to GNU Bash! We're proud to have played a role in its long-running history, and to celebrate it on its birthday.. bash!
Microsoft blocks Bing from showing image results for Tiananmen ‘tank man’
For the software developers out there: let's remember that #Microsoft owns #github so if you rely on some code hosted on github then this is your problem as well. Don't think that you are not involved. We are all involved.
#Microsoft and other big tech companies have too much power in the world. Work towards reducing their power and empower individuals instead.
Part of #Brunnsviken north of Stockholm #shotonlibrem5 using the #megapixels #camera app from with default settings in #PureOS byzantium. The image file ended up as a 2463552 bytes .tiff file in ~/Pictures/ which I then made into a .jpg file using the "convert" program. Maybe @dos knows tricks to get better image quality? 🙂 (One issue seems to be that bright areas get too bright.) #librem5 #freesoftware @purism @martijnbraam
Just discovered that there is a "libreplanet-se" mailing list, for free/libre software discussions specific to #Sweden:
I subscribed and started a few threads:
- The Swedish Riksbank's new digital currency, "e-krona" -- could it use #GNU Taler?
- FLOSS at Swedish schools and universities?
"Free/libre alternatives to BankID and Swish?"
If you live in and/or care about Sweden, join the mailing list you too. Let's change the world starting here! 🙂
Receiving MMS messages on the #librem5 is getting closer to working by default. In #PureOS byzantium the needed #libqmi and #ModemManager fixes are already there now, we just need to add #mmsd and purple-mm-sms manually: Thanks to Chris T and @craftyguy #GNU #Linux #chatty #freesoftware @purism
"Restoring democracy, in the US and many other countries, is the overarching political struggle of our time, and it extends into many areas of life. Campaigning to eliminate unjust digital systems is one aspect of that struggle."
From chapter 5, page 60, in the new book "System Override". It has chapters independently written by Nadine Strossen, Pia Mancini, Brittany Kaiser, Richard Stallman, Hannah Wolfman-Jones, and Santiago SIri. Chapter 5 is written by Stallman.
This is a good video by Luke Smith: "Social Media as Social Control."
"Whether planned or not, Social Media's prime current function is behavioral engineering at a massive scale. Most sites function as massive Skinner's Boxes, conditioning users to behaviors desired by those who run the sites. Part of this is inevitable, but it has certainly accelerated in recent years and will continue so long as people continue to rely on such sites."
The video is 15 minutes long.
Here is my own contribution to the #RMS debate, about the open letter and #fsf and so on.
Comment on the open letter to "remove RMS", based on the GNU Kind Communications Guidelines
This is not another escalation, it's something else. It's about how we communicate. I thought a lot about it. Hopefully this can reach some of the people who signed the open letter.
Boosts welcome.
Just noticed a spelling mistake there: I wrote amazing but of course it should be amaizeing in this case 😄
Amazing how fast #corn grows. I put three grains in the soil one week ago, now they're already 7-8 cm tall. #gardening #maize
Here is my own contribution to the #RMS debate, about the open letter and #fsf and so on.
Comment on the open letter to "remove RMS", based on the GNU Kind Communications Guidelines
This is not another escalation, it's something else. It's about how we communicate. I thought a lot about it. Hopefully this can reach some of the people who signed the open letter.
Boosts welcome.
Debian Votes to Issue No Statement on Stallman's Return to the FSF Board
Details about the vote:
The GNOME Code of Conduct says: Be friendly. Be empathetic. Be respectful.
The GNOME Foundation signed an "open letter" accusing a software freedom activist of being "misogynist, ableist, and transphobic".
(1) Is the letter in line with the GNOME Code of Conduct?
(2) Is it okay for the GNOME Foundation, as an organization, to sign something like that?
Personally I lean towards "no" on both questions, but I would like to hear what you think, especially GNOME developers.
FSF India Board Statement
This is an excellent statement from the FSF India about the current #RMS controversy:
"Unfortunately many of the arguments made against him were based on misunderstanding and half truths. More dangerous is concerted attack on RMS vilifying him and trying to isolate him. FSF India condemns this action. There is no freedom more important than freedom of thought and expression."
To understand the background, see for example this:
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.