Part of #Brunnsviken north of Stockholm #shotonlibrem5 using the #megapixels #camera app from with default settings in #PureOS byzantium. The image file ended up as a 2463552 bytes .tiff file in ~/Pictures/ which I then made into a .jpg file using the "convert" program. Maybe @dos knows tricks to get better image quality? 🙂 (One issue seems to be that bright areas get too bright.) #librem5 #freesoftware @purism @martijnbraam
"Restoring democracy, in the US and many other countries, is the overarching political struggle of our time, and it extends into many areas of life. Campaigning to eliminate unjust digital systems is one aspect of that struggle."
From chapter 5, page 60, in the new book "System Override". It has chapters independently written by Nadine Strossen, Pia Mancini, Brittany Kaiser, Richard Stallman, Hannah Wolfman-Jones, and Santiago SIri. Chapter 5 is written by Stallman.
Amazing how fast #corn grows. I put three grains in the soil one week ago, now they're already 7-8 cm tall. #gardening #maize
Had a bit of an identity crisis this morning. Luckily there was a command that helped resolve it. I know who I am. #freesoftware #freedom #librem5
Pictures from my morning walk the other day, down by the water along Edsviken north of Stockholm. I didn't meet it in person, but something tells me there is a #beaver living around here.
Receiving MMS on the #librem5 is working now, using #ModemManager and mmsd and #chatty, after some recent fixes including an addition to libqmi to allow sending ack for "transfer route MT" messages, see and #phosh #UserFreedom #mobile #gnu #linux #freesoftware @purism #gnomeonmobile
Using #gimp on the #librem5 works better now thanks to the new display scaling feature in #phosh 0.8.0 #UserFreedom #mobile #gnu #linux #freesoftware @purism @agx #gnomeonmobile
The #librem5 wishing the #pinephone a merry Christmas and a happy GNU year, by SMS from the command-line. 😃 PureOS and @postmarketOS both running #phosh. The script on the Librem 5 is using mmcli commands to send SMS messages. #UserFreedom #mobile #gnu #linux #freesoftware @purism #gnomeonmobile
Starting a phone call from the terminal on a #librem5 Birch. This call is to the good old "Fröken ur" speaking-clock service telling us the current time in Swedish. Fröken ur apparently existed since 1934 but it was not until 2020 that I learned how to call her from the terminal. 😃 Thanks @dos for the tip that xdg-open could be used in this way. @purism #calls #mobile #gnu #linux #freesoftware
@geary @gnome @purism Just got the #Geary email client running on a #librem5 Birch. This is a Geary version built from Purism's git repo (I tried the upstream version also but got into trouble with the initial account setup dialog that did not fit the screen). Anyway, glad to see this is working! #FreeSoftware #GNOME #GNU #Linux
@thibaultamartin @gnome @purism OK, new attempt: #librem5 Birch, #gnome-maps 3.38.1 installed via flatpak (flathub). This works much better, and no need for that -O0 trick anymore. This version seems to adapt perfectly to the screen size. It works really well!
@thibaultamartin @purism @gnome Just managed to get GNOME Maps running on a #librem5 Birch. At first there was a crash in libmozjs but now, after recompiling libmozjs with -O0 -- it works! #gnome-maps
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.