🗓 Leap year. Année bissextile. Schaltjahr.
We mark this rare February 29 by celebrating the unique nature of the EU.
Our Union, with 24 EU official languages, shows what being united in diversity means.
Multilingualism is our greatest strength– It breaks barriers and helps us travel, collaborate, and understand each other.
Let's celebrate it every year, every day.
@divested this sounds quite interesting and useful. Is STIR/SHAKEN relevant in places outside of the US and Canada? Also, it seems like this functionality should be built into the OS. Would that make sense?
@orangesunny @fdroidorg We have funding from #NLnet #NGI to do a dev sprint on parallelizing the build infrastructure. We will start before Winter is over. https://gitlab.com/groups/fdroid/-/milestones/7
I have fond memories of degaussing my old CRT monitor for fun and distraction
Degaussing a CRT at 10,000fps #shorts #slowmo
@r3vilo @fdroidorg If you think its a bug, could you file a bug report on this: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/issues/new
Please provide your Android version, F-Droid version, and which ROM you're running.
@dreua it is indeed a nice feature that the connection is separately maintained from the username. I was responding to the discussion about reusing well known public usernames. For all my public code repos, I use "eighthave". I could claim "eighthave" for Signal then lots of people could easily connect with me via Signal. But then anyone could also send me spam or Pegasus. So I think it was a mistake for Signal to call this a "username" it behaves differently, it is more like an invite link
@r3vilo @fdroidorg you should only see this message after your base OS has changed. I wonder if there is a bug somewhere in that logic, since you said your Android version hasn't changed.
This week on F-Droid (TWIF) was published again.
We talk about:
- F-Droid and F-Droid Basic 1.19.1 are now marked as "suggested" and arrive as update for every user
- a blog post from the Guardian Project regarding repos in F-Droid
- TorServices in our repo
- ZipXtract FD with fewer features
- Jami looks better
- Organic Maps was updated again
- Stitch is back again
- and a note about the boring wall of further app updates
The US data broker Bazze secretly obtains location and identity data about a hundred million people via smartphone apps, digital advertising and consumer records and sells it to the US military.
NSA-like global mass surveillance, but based on commercial data.
Forbes has now a report about it:
The #DigitalMarketsAct and other #competition actions against #gatekeeper app stores are based on the idea that an app store companies should not "self-preference" their own apps or services. This makes sense to a certain degree, especially when thinking about business. Ethical reasons must also be considered. #FDroid preferences apps based on #FreeSoftware and Anti-Features, which we as a community define. We should always be allowed to preference apps that follow standards of #UserFreedom.
@jlou that doesn't sounds possible to make work. I think it is important to stick to the four freedoms with Free Software. Copyright licenses are not an effective tool for trying to enforce other societal values. Such licenses are more likely to harm the people you're actually trying to help because it means they'll have to get lawyers involved in order to understand how and when they can use software with that license. #GPL means every individual is free to use it without needing legal help
#Signal has a beta that makes it possible to chat without sharing your phone number with the others. This is an important development for privacy in use cases like journalists and activists that have to privately interact with people they do not know. Careful about using a public username for Signal, it could open you up to spam and targeted attacks like Pegasus.
@timbray Using a well known username for #Signal is a recipe for receiving lots of spam. I'll bet that's the main reason why Signal does not currently have much spam. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use my public handle. Signal does well with smaller numbers of people and less active chats. Very active chats or large groups are quite painful in my experience as compared to @element Signal's use case is communicating with people you know, while #Matrix #IRC #Mastodon are for big/active groups
How Allowing #Copyright On #AI-Generated Works Could Destroy Creative Industries - https://www.techdirt.com/2024/02/20/how-allowing-copyright-on-ai-generated-works-could-destroy-creative-industries/ "it is not in the interest of artists to allow copyright on AI-generated works, whatever Big Copyright might have them believe."
#Apple and #Google are also acting as #gatekeepers when it comes to medical, health and wellness software. #SurveillanceCapitalism and #monopoly control do not belong in health care.
One down, three to go!
#Tiktok: we're not a #gatekeeper and this will expose our shady #surveillance business to the world mimimimi
Court of Justice: yeah whatever, no. 👏
#ECJ #DMA #digitalmarketsact #Competition
Thanks @eighthave! IMHO by running an F-Droid repo (whether it builds from source or just offers binaries) intended to be used by others, one accepts responsibility. So one should take the best possible measures to make it as safe and as transparent as possible. I try my best here, and I won't stop where I'm standing now – but hopefully improve it even more. 🤞 @fdroidorg
Yet another piece of evidence to support #Marx's idea that #socialism is inevitable: #VentureCapital #BigTech and financial firms are funding #FreeSoftware without an equity stake. These are supposed to be the true capitalists but are funding a system of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Why? Because it works better than what capitalism can provide. I have a lot of problems with Marx but his economics is looking ever more solid https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/15/sequoia-open-source-fellowship-developer-funding/