Joined the Signal username land grab, got the usual handle. Question arises: Best practices on posting/sharing. At the moment you have to know my phone # to Signal me, but that’s very easy to figure out. So, initially inclined to just post the username. Hmmmmmm…

#signalapp #signal

@timbray Using a well known username for is a recipe for receiving lots of spam. I'll bet that's the main reason why Signal does not currently have much spam. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use my public handle. Signal does well with smaller numbers of people and less active chats. Very active chats or large groups are quite painful in my experience as compared to @element Signal's use case is communicating with people you know, while are for big/active groups

But it's also pretty easy to send spam to phone numbers as the address space is well known and you can easily create thousands of phone numbers to send.spam to.
@timbray @element


@mdosch @timbray @element good point, for spammers, they can just generate all the phone numbers. For user names, they can generate all the shorter usernames. I imagine to have a long lived Signal username and avoid spam, it would have to be longer than 16 characters.

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