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Exciting news! Our first just went into the voting round. Check out the amazing 'symbiotic' themed games created by our community. These free software games showcase the power of open-source gaming. Play them now at

I just saw an early version of what @holypangolin has been cooking on her own lately and I'm in awe. It's not a new game, but if you played "Karambola" you're in for a real treat. And if you didn't... well, what are you waiting for?

stop referring to vulnerabilities stemming from software using publicly-available package repositories cataloguing what amounts to a vast effort of free labor as “supply chain attacks”

providing free labor does not make one a supplier — a “supply chain” implies some form of economics where EVERY OTHER MODEL of a supply chain involves money changing hands

these attacks are against a communal resource, not a supply chain

...but not impossible 😁 Being able to order a 6-layer PCB with capped vias for $2 is crazy. It even appears to work with Thunderbolt and DisplayPort, which is surprising, as I barely knew what I was doing 😂

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phosh 0.40.0 is out 🚀📱:

- #phosh: more quick toggles (dark style, mobile data). Allow suspend when device is locked. 🐛 fixes. Tweaks for #Rust binding generation
- #phoc fling gesture for phosh's top and home bar. 🐛 fixes.
- #mobilesettings: allow to tweak shell layout, lock delay and plugin ordering via ☝️

Check out the full release notes at

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

It seems to have happened without much fanfare, but about a month ago @purism has released the Librem 5 hardware layouts under GPLv3 (as original PADS and converted KiCad projects), joining the schematics that were already available from the start.

It's finally happened! NEWAG IP Management just sued us for copyright infringement and unfair competition. This is a civil lawsuit in Warsaw, parallel to a criminal investigation that's happening in Cracow.

Of course, they got our postal addresses wrong (they could've just asked!) so we only just got a copy from the court, but hey, we now have 164 pages of content to dive into.

🎙️ talked to @phosh main developer @agx:

* Getting involved with Phosh and Librem 5 as happy coincidence
* Going from N900 straight to Librem 5
* squeekboard vs. phosh-osk-stub
* Being puzzled by people using Phosh on the PinePhone
* Having a smile on the face when seeing random old phones & tablets with Phosh
* Automatic hardware testing at @purism
* How Phosh gets translated
* Upcoming @FrOSCon 2024
* Lockscreen widgets
* Cellbroadcast

#froscon #linuxmobile #phosh

Currently #Debian linux is going through a massive migration project to rely on a 64 bit time rather than a 32 bit time (to avoid #y2k38). Debian has these migrations from time to time. About 10 years ago there was a migration to leap a C++ ABI change. Every time these come up I'm amazed at how well executed they are and by how the core dpkg/apt tools have proven their fundamental over and over again for 30 (!!!!) years. I am so thankful to everyone involved in Debian for such a reliable OS.

@agx worked on making #feedbackd a bit more useful and convenient. Some of this landed already and is targeting the next #phosh release
while others might take a bit longer (as they e.g. depend on a calls bug fix release). A short 🧵 👇

So far you had to pull out 's top and bottom bar quiet a bit to make it unfold. That's kind of o.k. on 📱 like the or but can be cumbersome on larger phones like the or tablets like the . I've put out an MR for which adds a fling so you can also fold/unfold with a fast swipe. Here's a short video demoing this for different screen sizes:

TIL: It's surprisingly hard to design a board for such a simple schematic that will be cheap to manufacture 😫

Had to update my userChrome.css for the new version of a bit - the necessary changes turned out to be trivial, but it still managed to nerd-snipe me into making the whole thing a bit more robust 😅

i'm always baffled when new things launch and they don't have a fediverse link but instead still on birdsite and maybe instagram, it feels somehow antiquated

I can finally use my #Librem5 phone camera with #pipewire, making it available to many applications through common interface. A big step to #Librem5, a great step for Freedom.

Burnout in the FOSS community is real, and I'm glad that it's something that is being talked about more in blogs and conferences. There is a different flavor of burnout and emotional toll when you are sacrificing for a cause you believe in (especially in FOSS where people are often working for free or at below market rate). Working for a cause you believe in brings the highest highs when things are going well, but the lowest lows when they go badly.

#FOSS #burnout

#postmarketOS just landed the last MR needed to make the #libcamera + #PipeWire camera stack work on the #Librem5 and #PinePhone by default, using the new software ISP shipped in libcamera 0.3.
So if you have such a device: just update and go install apps like Snapshot, Warp, Decoder etc.

Note that this does *not* replace #megapixels or #millipixels - those continue to be the default camera apps.

Whenever I have to deal with on devices that formerly ran android I realize how super simple things like flashing and debugging are on the compared to that.

No odd partition schemes, no super sensitive boot loader that gives up on the first glitch. Just and if all else fails .

like fr this idea that you can run the entire proprietary Android stack under the hood with outdated and hackily patched forks of Linux middleware and call the result a Linux phone is insulting.

there's a reason it's called libhybris

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