"I'm blown away by what Purism has been able to accomplish. This is a much more polished product than I expected when I backed. (...) All the basics are there and it seems to be a solid foundation for the future" :) https://azdle.net/2019/11/comparing-apples-and-gnomes/ #librem5 #purism #gnu #linux #mobile
Oxidizing Squeekboard: Exploring the popular approach of "Rewrite it in Rust" on a large C code base https://puri.sm/posts/oxidizing-squeekboard/ #Purism #Librem5 #Squeekboard #Eekboard #RustLang #CLang
My run through of the Librem 5 privacy and security-focussed mobile phone... What a joy to finally have it in my hands! My congratulations to the extraordinary team at Purism.
https://invidio.us/watch?v=Gvnt78mK-Ac&hl=en-US&local=false&autoplay=0&subtitles=%2C%2C #privacy #security #librem5
The first Librem 5 smartphones are shipping https://puri.sm/posts/first-librem-5-smartphones-are-shipping/ “This is a big moment, not just for us as a company, but for everyone concerned about issues of privacy, security, and user freedom. The Librem 5 represents years of work, building the software and hardware required to make this phone a reality.” - Todd Weaver, founder and CEO of #Purism #Librem5 #Librem5Aspen #Linux #LinuxPhone #LinuxMobile #GNOME #FOSS
Librem 5 shipping starting 24 September 2019 https://puri.sm/posts/librem-5-shipping-announcement/ #purism #linux #linuxphone #linuxmobile #gnome
Hi, I'm dos. Silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music and more. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of dosowisko.net. he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.