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@ptrc @jeffhatz @ben @alice Unfortunately a nuanced take doesn't spread as much even here on the fediverse compared to a rage based toot speaking to what folks want to hear and evoking emotional responses 🌝

electronics puzzle:

you find a circuit with a modern CMOS hex inverter IC. it has an 0402 package 1uF decoupling capacitor connected between VCC and GND, placed close to the IC package.

all but one of the inverter inputs are driven by an MCU, with their outputs driving (arbitrary) devices that pull 50mA.

oddly, one of the inverter inputs is directly wired to GND, and its output is wired to another 0402 1uF capacitor.

can you guess why someone might do this?

@melroy > modern.IE

Oh wow, what a blast from the past. It still operates???

@beacondb Awesome, thanks! Works fine now:)

BTW. I've just looked into related MM code and APIs closer, and turns out that QMI modems report neighboring cell information with signal strength (RSRP/RSRQ). However, only the serving cell has its cellId available, the rest have only TAC/LAC (always the same for all seen cells, at least in case of LTE) and PCI. Could this potentially be used to improve estimation accuracy? Right now the endpoint outright rejects cells without cellId set.

@beacondb Ah, Geoclue doesn't include that field, and ModemManager doesn't expose it in its location API (it does in cell info API though). It used to work with MLS this way and still works with Google. Could this be handled on beaconDB side?

Ultimately Geoclue could do a much better job here, but this makes the versions currently out there incompatible with beaconDB...

@beacondb I'm trying with the first LTE cell from my operator in the dump and get 404:

$ zcat MLS-full-cell-export-final.csv.gz | grep LTE,260,3, | head -n 1
$ curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{"cellTowers":[{"radioType":"lte","mobileCountryCode":260,"mobileNetworkCode":3,"locationAreaCode":11,"cellId":1306213}]}'

jokish speculation 


Channel 4 News, in talking about today's #Microsoft #CrowdStrike fuckup, stated that the expected Y2K effect was imaginary.

No! No! NO!

We did a massive amount of work to update and ensure systems would keep on working. And more importantly WE TESTED EVERYTHING FULLY BEFORE GOING LIVE.

@rysiek Well, you linked to someone who claimed it wasn't. How trustworthy that report is? You tell me! 😁

@rysiek From what I've gathered so far from the ever reliable Social Media Feeds™ it appears that it wasn't a driver update, but rather a update data file that then caused the unchanged driver to crash when it tried to parse and apply it, which would effectively bypass the signing requirement.

Can't join ( this year but at least I can watch the live stream on a 📱 running a based shell () and lots of components with a video player using GTK and (). Life could be worse.

@beacondb @nicorikken Is Mozilla's cell tower dataset actually in use? When I query beaconDB for an LTE cell I'm connected to right now (which is present in Mozilla's dump) I only get 404 responses.

I’m still irritated that as Twitter died all the public information oriented campaigns (transit, fire service, govt announcements) didn’t shift to providing easy to access open technology alternatives for getting that information to people.

And I’m not talking about Mastodon or any other Fediverse stuff. I want RSS. I want to subscribe to a BVG feed to learn about disruptions, I want an easy to access feed of events and protests in my city…

@aho Potentially! It's kinda a PD MITM device (so you could provide power and use USB 2 while negotiating custom alt-mode or debug accessory mode, sending VDMs etc.), plus it exposes UART on SBU over USB. One possible use-case is to get convenient access to Librem 5's serial console, but it should also be useful with, say, Macbooks or plenty other stuff.

@josch Well, refunds are another matter... 😫 Just wanted to point out that manufacturing of the phones is a thing from the past, they've been already produced with a surplus, so if you actually wanted to receive one you could for a while now.

@josch @deshipu @mntmn Orders from 2019 have been manufactured and shipped two years ago already, and the whole queue was processed last year. They only get shipped after confirming shipping address, so if you didn't then your phone is still waiting in the warehouse.

@EC_NGI and @nlnet make a dramatic impact to improve our sustainable, privacy and attention respecting #linuxmobile ecosystem. One of the very few answers we have to the duopoly of Android and iOS from Silicon Valley!

Because of that we are saddened about the @EUCommission not mentioning NGI programmes anymore in their draft of funding programmes for 2025. 😢

We signed the open letter, consider doing the same if your project received funding in the past.

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