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It's finally happened! NEWAG IP Management just sued us for copyright infringement and unfair competition. This is a civil lawsuit in Warsaw, parallel to a criminal investigation that's happening in Cracow.

Of course, they got our postal addresses wrong (they could've just asked!) so we only just got a copy from the court, but hey, we now have 164 pages of content to dive into.

@pecet Przy niedostosowanym sprzęcie sygnały na częstotliwościach powyżej słyszalnych często potrafią generować przesterowania w paśmie słyszalnym - wtedy faktycznie bywa, że da się usłyszeć różnicę :D

@kyle It's Droidian. It runs Debian(ish) userspace on top of Android HAL. Very different to actually running Debian.

🎙️ talked to @phosh main developer @agx:

* Getting involved with Phosh and Librem 5 as happy coincidence
* Going from N900 straight to Librem 5
* squeekboard vs. phosh-osk-stub
* Being puzzled by people using Phosh on the PinePhone
* Having a smile on the face when seeing random old phones & tablets with Phosh
* Automatic hardware testing at @purism
* How Phosh gets translated
* Upcoming @FrOSCon 2024
* Lockscreen widgets
* Cellbroadcast

#froscon #linuxmobile #phosh

@mntmn @Tuba @rmader @sonny Oh... Did the new GSK renderer reintroduce unconditional rendering of the full shadow behind the whole window? 🙈

@halla @linmob @neil I too used to use my Librem 5 as a portable hand heater back in 2020, but these days are long gone. I'm typing this on my phone and it's barely warm right now. It can still get quite hot, but much too slowly to be useful this way ;)

@linmob @halla @neil It took me a while to get used to Librem 5's size after switching from N900, but ultimately it's a step up. Not having to deal with PowerVR takes it places N900 could never go.

@mijutu @neil As long as the app doesn't do any weird stuff like SafetyNet attestation, does not require access to things like location or cameras and it's compatible with Android 11 it should just work. That's how I use an Android banking app on my Librem 5. The only annoying thing is that it boots into Waydroid for about a minute, which is too long for my mind to not get distracted meanwhile ;)

Currently #Debian linux is going through a massive migration project to rely on a 64 bit time rather than a 32 bit time (to avoid #y2k38). Debian has these migrations from time to time. About 10 years ago there was a migration to leap a C++ ABI change. Every time these come up I'm amazed at how well executed they are and by how the core dpkg/apt tools have proven their fundamental over and over again for 30 (!!!!) years. I am so thankful to everyone involved in Debian for such a reliable OS.

@agx worked on making #feedbackd a bit more useful and convenient. Some of this landed already and is targeting the next #phosh release
while others might take a bit longer (as they e.g. depend on a calls bug fix release). A short 🧵 👇

Convergence life hack 

@mcc There's an excellent article by @eevee with some basics:

It's incredible how many learning resources for music theory make relatively simple things almost unapproachable 🙈

@mcc ...or if it was a hard rock piece. Power chords!

@harshad Seems like I've been living your younger self's dream my whole life; first with Neo Freerunner, then Nokia N900 and now Librem 5 😄

I don't understand why people still call Android or iOS phones "smartphones". The tech's baseline has moved forward (even basic "feature phones" do stuff like Web browsing these days after all), but in its essence this market segment is more similar to old cameraphones rather than PDAs.

@silmeth Just try to find the reason, KWin scripting is pretty straightforward.

@silmeth Even after years of using it I find Librem 5's 5.7" screen to be tad too big already, and PinePhone's 5.9" is stepping one foot into "comically big" 😫

So far you had to pull out 's top and bottom bar quiet a bit to make it unfold. That's kind of o.k. on 📱 like the or but can be cumbersome on larger phones like the or tablets like the . I've put out an MR for which adds a fling so you can also fold/unfold with a fast swipe. Here's a short video demoing this for different screen sizes:

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