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@foone Designed for single density, but can be pushed to double density under right conditions

@alex @touk I don't think they would have much trouble depicting a steamboat regardless of the eponymous cartoon's copyright status 😁

@panic @colingourlay It's an interesting hardware that I'd definitely spend time making fun games for, as that's just what I do with other platforms. I've been eyeing this one since the very beginning, it could be neat for game jams. However, this platform lacks an essential feature - that feature being "an acceptable license". Life is simply too short to waste on proprietary platforms, for many reasons - both philosophical and practical.

@panic @colingourlay For starters, not making the platform essentially dead when the rights owner goes down would be nice. Nobody else can host a copy of the SDK.

Then, not having to require my users to use non-free software in order to modify, compile and deploy my projects would be appreciated as well.

Last but not least, all software is buggy and SDKs are not an exception. When I stumble upon a bug in it, I should be able to inspect it, debug, fix and share the fix with others.

@panic @colingourlay So yup, it's sadly still non-free: non-redistributable, non-modifiable and prohibiting development of other SDKs.

@hrw @haeckerfelix You can't fight the Bunny. You must embrace the Bunny.

Okay, listen up:

Mozilla is two different entities. The Mozilla Corporation and the Mozilla Foundation. The second one? That's the social good one you
really want focused on important things.

The Mozilla Foundation, like all non-profits, publishes their Form 990 annually to disclose compensation.
Here it is.

You'll see that the top earner there, Mitchell Baker, who is very handsomely rewarded, is actually paid by the Mozilla Corporation, not the Foundation. Put another way, the non-profit is not blowing its funding on a CEO.

And the corp, by the way, is what generates revenue that largely funds Firefox.

annual report of the Foundation shows a pretty healthy financial situation, and increased investment in public good projects year-over-year.

I don't like everything they do either (e.g. that risible website generator), but I don't actually think they are suffering from a lack of focus. They're suffering from a mature market.

The sucky thing about working in infosec is that you can't talk about most of the wildest, coolest projects you end up getting pulled into. It's paid work done under NDAs.

The train research done by @redford, @q3k, and @mrtick is a prime example of something that usually wouldn't see the light of day - and I'm really happy that they were able to buck the trend:

At #37c3 they have IRC, and Matrix for text and for voice they setup their own LTE/2G/3G/SIP/DECT network where you bring whatever phone-like device and pick a 4 digit phone number.

Meanwhile in the USA for #defcon they just paid Discord money and told everyone to accept their privacy policy, and even the DC Privacy Village asks people to sign up for Slack and Google.

People ask why I fly to CCC from the USA. It is because that is the closest place to find a thriving hacker culture.

The recording of my "Browsers biggest TLS Mistake" lightning talk at #37C3:

Don't have a #flow3r badge and are interested in getting one? We are collecting requests to see if a second production run makes sense. Please sign up here: #37c3

Just pushed a tiny update for Petal Hero with improved A/V delay. Grab it from the app store!

I remember quitting :birdsite: right after #29C3, the 2012 Congress:

Between then and now, every Congress, every hacker camp, incessantly promoted Twitter. Invited people to tweet under the relevant hashtag, displayed tweets on at-venue screens all over the place, etc.

This year it's all fedi. Toots in #37C3 displayed along the address; @Tusky (and possibly other fedi apps) getting their own info cards on these as well.

I waited for this for a decade.


Happy Train's Secondary Compressor Stops Working Day to all who celebrate it! 🤗

@awai @cas Hint hint: implementing things like MPRIS and notification proxy in Waydroid isn't hard at all.

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