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Doing my initial tinkering of the @purism Librem 5 phone and WOW. I am impressed it’s truly full #Linux I just installed @element using apt out the box. Their official instructions! Taking the phone apart as well and thoroughly impressed
#cellphone #infosec #cybersecurity #review #privacy

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@davidrevoy I would have set the price to "your product under GPL" 😁

I'm sure there's a tendency to always view the past as better, but the social-media-ification of the Internet has really sucked a lot of the joy out of entertaining people. When it was peripheral to the broader Internet, you spent most of your time making stuff. Now you gotta learn 8 to 12 platforms that mostly want you to act like an employee of their algorithm.

I've been rewriting my script, and decided to make a series of shorts instead one longer film. The first film will tackle more serious stuff. Keep fingers crossed that it gets funded, or you can always support me through ko-fi.

Here are some new mockups I made for the storyboard.

Hope your day goes well, I am resting today ❤️

#shortfilm #animation #stopmotion #mastoart

"#Unity isn't a game engine. It's a advertising and malware network that merged with a popular game engine as a delivery channel and now wears its corpse as its skin"


You get a completely free operating system, please support us in developing it with detailed
reports rather than pushing end user support upstream.

At the very minimum check with the communities upfront how to best interact and supply them with hardware.

2️⃣ /2️⃣

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Dear @junocomputers if you sell computers and use Free Software Operating systems it is not o.k. to assume you can free ride on community support.

It makes me sad to have mails from users in my inbox that are stuck with an unusable device on a Sunday and are seeking help to get it going again. This is your job.

Please listen to your customer's issue. If it's a software issue in the latest upstream version forward it with a good description.

Screenshot is from

1️⃣ /2️⃣

Thanks to everyone for a great reboot of All Systems Go!
We can't share all the great discussions in the hallway track but we can share all the talks here:

Many thanks to the @c3voc team and especially @danimo for streaming the conference an releasing the talks before we could even leave the venue.

@bradlinder That point is true, but it's not like there are comparable cheaper alternatives out there. It you wanted it to have state-of-the-art specs without compromising on anything else, you would probably have to move the decimal point to the right in that price. It's not something you buy for specs.

But anyway, my point was that contrary to the image painted by the article, even spec-wise it's still a viable device in 2023, supporting recent stuff like 802.11ax/Wi-Fi 6 ;)

@bradlinder i.MX 8 is a series of processors. i.MX 8M was announced in 2017 and released in 2018.

@foone Ah, and that would be an accuracy achievable theoretically - most receivers probably won't consider that a valid fix anyway and usually won't report it to the user at all!

The thing is, people's mental health doesn't go away by making everything expensive and more difficult to access. The drug abusers who don't have ADHD and just want to stay up all night aren't by-and-large the ones going through these processes. Their dealers are more readily available and ask fewer questions, and more likely, they move on to far more addictive substances (meth, etc). The expense and red tape in our system serve as a lock to keep honest people out.

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@foone Ephemerides get outdated really fast, they're mostly useless in a matter of hours. Some systems do autonomous prediction of ephemerides and may keep functioning for a day or two. There are other sources of navigational data too, but I'm afraid they usually depend on a functioning civilization 😅 Not sure what's the accuracy you can get on almanac alone, perhaps you could get some city- or region-level precision for a few weeks...

@foone Aren't almanac and ephemerides calculated at the ground and regularly uploaded into the satellites? If that gets interrupted, it may become useless pretty fast.

@bradlinder Hey now, the SoC it uses wasn't even released until 2018, while the wireless card is from 2021 and supports tech that did not exist in 2017 😛

Librem 5 is now $999 (a $300 Savings)! Due primarily to the overwhelming demand for the Librem 5, we were able to lower our component costs and are now able to pass that savings onto new customers.

@attie I use Okular for viewing and Xournal++ for adding text and signatures.

One other thing is that developers are rightly mad at Unity.

However, all gamers should also be *extremely* mad at Unity because the only way they can enforce their proposed license is carefully tracking user behavior in a deeply invasive way.

@anathem > got a whole collection of those

You may want to set it free! I'm trying to find some more songs to test it with, but the situation is quite dire. There used to be so many songs on the Internet, but these days it's just a mess full of dead links; seems I have to dig my old hard drives out 😭

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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