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phoc 0.8.0 has been released, bringing a fix for idle inhibition of gtk4 apps and working mouse/touchpad configuration in gnome-control-center. Grab it from

phoc 0.7.1 is out, which among some minor fixes allows more keyboard buttons to be handled by (such as PrintScr). Say thanks to @agx who authored all commits in this release and grab it from :)

Spent a few days learning about colorspaces, color matrices and plenty of other colorful stuff; and here come the results: white balancing and proper colors in the viewfinder :)

What is life? Is it nothing more than an endless search for a place to nap? And what is a nap, but a constant reminder that we're all only one virus attack away from oblivion? And what of the poor kitty? Destined to an existential swim down the river of life to an unknowable destiny?

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Autofocus support can't get soon enough - turns out that trying to take a focused macro shot with manual focus controlled by typing values into the terminal is kinda cumbersome 😂

...but spring is here, as seen by the camera!

So I spent the last few hours on taking pictures of cats with the rear camera of my Librem 5. Yep, that's my job now.

All credit for the camera support goes to Dorota, Martin and Angus: @merge @purism

phoc 0.7.0 has just been released!

This version includes mouse based snap-to-edge for tiling and maximizing; window move & resize fixes for touchscreens; and **big** stability improvements - I haven't seen it crashing a single time for a while now :)

Grab it at

Here we can see a Plasmus Vulgaris specimen wandering outside of its regular habitat. Carefully testing the waters, encouraged by being docked, it slowly gets to know the unfamiliar surroundings of the phosh environment it found itself in - the other major part of the diverse ecosystem populating the Librem 5.

GTK4's GPU-accelerated GL renderer(s) got a major performance boost in the last few days! Previously it struggled to render simple UIs with single digit FPS on the Librem 5; now it can get pretty fancy :)

phosh running inside a container under phosh, plus phosh's source code in Qt Creator - all on the Librem 5. Perfect for when you want to work on the phone on the phone :D

Here's Plasma Desktop on PureOS Byzantium running on the Librem 5 phone docked to an external display - just because :D @purism

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml