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DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

In Baden-Württemberg (@KM_BW) wird eine gesamte Schule zur Apple Distinguished School und so Bestandteil des Bildungsmarketing des US-Konzerns & auf Anfrage erklärt das zuständige Schulamt: „Uns liegen keine Informationen vor.“

Und genau das ist das Problem

DanielTux boosted

Jetzt sind auch die Anhänge der Prüfung von Microsoft365 durch den @lfdi in Baden-Württemberg öffentlich.

Die klare Empfehlung zur Nicht-Nutzung wird somit noch besser nachvollziehbar.

DanielTux boosted

linux game bug report copy pasta 

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

I remember the first 8bit trip on YouTube, it was the first video that I saw that was full HD, 1080p - it was amazing

But after 12 years, actually two month ago - Rymdreglage released 8Bit Trip 2!!!!

Holy shit, that is all I can say.

It was worth the weight ;)))))))

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

I just sent and received calls between my SIP account and landline phone using my and the native Calls application, and it was pretty exciting.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted


🎉 Element One is here; One chat app to bring your WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram chats into Element.

Don’t burn any more bridges with your friends 🌉 because they're not on Element or Matrix! 😎🪄


DanielTux boosted

Sometimes I think about joining every Foundation of things I like and just ask:

"Considering what Google is doing to the world, do we want it in our board?"

(Looking hard at you, Rust Foundation.)

DanielTux boosted

On self-hosting (and home automation) I’m torn between “I don’t want to be a SPOF for my family” and “I really don’t trust services providers with my personal data or sensors in my house”

DanielTux boosted

Recently flashed my with byzantium. And wanted to restore the data for the apps I use on the (podcasts, rss feed, mastodon account, online radios, email). I simply copied the directories of those apps from my laptop home folder to the home folder, and it was all there, and all the apps worked.
Yes, I know that for linux users the idea of syncing data across home folders is normal. But it still feels kinda cool to be able to do that between a laptop and a phone.

DanielTux boosted

Insightful. We can't repeat often enough that @mobian , @debian , @postmarketOS , @manjarolinux and others would not be where they are now, without @purism adopting a cooperative upstreaming policy. We would wager that everyone purchasing a (true) Linux device now, benefits from your investments. There is plenty to criticize and nag about you 😝, but you are doing the whole FOSS community a service that could not easily be replicated by volunteers.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

>The thing is, the "victim card" is exactly about trying to enforce your particular expectations on others, and trying to do so in a very particular way. It's the old "think of the children" argument. And it's bogus. Calling things "professional" is just more of the same - trying to enforce some kind of convention on others by trying to claim that it's the only acceptable way.

>if you want me to "act professional", I can tell you that I'm not interested. I'm sitting in my home office wearign a bathrobe. The same way I'm not going to start wearing ties, I'm *also* not going to buy into the fake politeness, the lying, the office politics and backstabbing, the passive aggressiveness, and the buzzwords. Because THAT is what "acting professionally" results in: people resort to all kinds of really nasty things because they are forced to act out their normal urges in unnatural ways.
DanielTux boosted

We are brainstorming names for the #weblite initiative.

#Fediverse we need your creative input!

Names, bylines and slogans.. all most welcome. Boosts too.

DanielTux boosted

Some good news.

Got copper tape to use for protection against slugs. It's probably the greenest solution there is. The slugs shocks when they touch the copper tape and move away.

DanielTux boosted

Fedizens of the #Fediverse ..

I want to attract attention to the #weblite hashtag, as something important is happening!

@alexandra and @alcinnz have kicked of a great initiative to finally address the #BloatedWeb and bring it back to its essence.

Existing standards bodies like #WhatWG #W3C #IETF have lost their way. Long-lasting #BigTech influence has led to #web #specs that serve current #browser monopolists only.

A better alternative is now emerging on #Codeberg ..

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