@devrtz added a sensor panel to mobile-settings that allows you to enable automatic HC and tweak the threshold at which ambient light intensity it kicks in:
2️⃣ /3️⃣
It's summer on the northern hemisphere again 😎 so #phosh's automatic high contrast mode got two updates that are already merged and hence will very likely be in 0.29.0:
1️⃣ /3️⃣
It's time for the final pre-flight checks on all our supporting infrastructure, and then bookworm will begin arriving on a mirror near you! #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian12 #Debian
Debian's image building server has 88 CPUs along with 384GB of fast RAM and over 8TB SSD storage. Even so, each DVD-sized image takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and 20 are done at a time in parallel #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian #Debian12
And this is how it looks on a device with notch. Also enabled PHOC_DEBUG=cutouts so phoc renders the bounding box of these.
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (22/2023): #Phosh 0.28.0 and an #U-boot boot menu for the #PinePhonePro
#LinuxMobile #Librem5 #PinePhone #SailfishOS #flatpak #postmarketOS
phosh 0.28.0 is out 🚀📱:
There's quality of life and visual improvements both in phone and docked mode.
Check the release notes for details: https://phosh.mobi/releases/rel-0.28.0/
#phosh #librem5 @purism #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux
git-buildpackage 0.9.31 is out:
If you use --upstream-vcs-tag and have projects with repacked tarballs then this release should make this use case simpler (thanks to a patch by Richard Laager). There's some bugfixes as well.
once more for the peanut gallery
nvidia _choose_ to not support the wayland stack. or well more generally, the new linux kms+egl gpu stack, since there's a lot other cool things you can built on top of it that aren't wayland
nvidia _choose_ to implement crypto locked down fw in a way that blocks open drivers (even apple got this right!). and no one else can fix it, because it's actual real crypto
nvidia _choose_ to not fix any of this
don't buy nvidia if you don't like this
The Call for Proposals for the Debian Reunion Hamburg (https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2023/DebianReunionHamburg) closes this Sunday - if you are attending or plan to attend, submit a talk! Anything Free Software related is fine, bonus points for a #debian related talk. The CfP is here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2023/DebianReunionHamburg#Call_for_Proposals
The artwork is by @francois . Sorry for forgetting that yesterday but after 20m of a phone hotline melody my brain melted.
Testing the new merge request to set lockscren wallpapers in #phosh while waiting for vodafone's hotline to *please* fix out internet connection (which they fail to do so for seven days in a row now).
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (18/2023): Build your own phone, Phosh 0.27.0, and a Plasma Mobile progress report
#LinuxMobile #PinePhone #NuttX #Genode #LIbrem5 #postmarketOS #UbuntuTouch #SailfishOS #Shift6mq #Phosh #PlasmaMobile
phosh 0.27.0 is out 🚀📱:
This one has a new menu on power button long press, initial emergency calls support (thanks @CoderThomasB, @devrtz), improvements on the compositor side, new completers in phosh-osk-stub, configurable ring tones and more.
Check out the full release notes at https://phosh.mobi/releases/rel-0.27.0/
#phosh #librem5 @purism #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux
Thank you to @bragefuglseth and the folks in the App Icon Design team ( https://matrix.to/#/#appicondesign:gnome.org ) for help designing a new icon for Phosh Antispam!
We are looking to possibly rename the app, so if you have ideas, they are welcome!
Video is at 1 x speed
- @zachdecook's swipeGuess: https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeGuess
- phosh-osk-stub's pipe completer: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/76
- you also need https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/77 to avoid having to lift your finger