@crft Install the build-dependencies your distro uses for gnome-clocks (the exact command varies per distribution). You then need libfeedback-dev package and it needs to include the vapi bindings.
@crft Yes, either that or you apply the top 3 commits on top of your distributions package.
@crft try this branch https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/gnome-clocks/-/tree/lfb
@ahoneybun You can tweak the scale in phoc.ini. We're currently working out whether we fix the default scale or try to accomodate for less vertical space. Can you please add your device to https://pad.riseup.net/p/phosh-scales-keep ?
Our request for a #FossOnMobile devroom at #FrOSCon24 (17. / 18. of August) just got accepted 🚀 .
If you want to give a talk, do a BoF, round table or similar please add it to https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/froscon24-mobile and we'll try to accommodate it in the schedule.
@tagesschau Wenn ich https://www.verbraucherzentrale.nrw/wissen/reise-mobilitaet/unterwegs-sein/bahncard-gibt-es-kuenftig-nicht-mehr-als-plastikkarte-90538 richtig lese stellt die Bahn keine technologieoffene *digitale* Karte aus sondern eine Karte die an iOS oder Android gebunden ist. Also nicht z.B. via Webbrowser auf der Bahn-Seite benutzt werden kann. Das ist ein riesen Unterschied und zwingt Leute dazu solche proprietären Geräte zu benutzen.
Die Navigator App ist auch nicht #OpenSource.
/cc @mxmehl
Please excuse the video quality. MR is at https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phoc/-/merge_requests/568
So far you had to pull out #phosh's top and bottom bar quiet a bit to make it unfold. That's kind of o.k. on 📱 like the #Librem5 or #PinePhone but can be cumbersome on larger phones like the #OnePlus6T or tablets like the #Librem11. I've put out an MR for #phoc which adds a fling #gesture so you can also fold/unfold with a fast swipe. Here's a short video demoing this for different screen sizes:
@stefan @debacle @viennawriter @reticuleena Ich fände es gut wenn @tazgetroete mal drüber schreibt das es Alternativen gibt 😃
This post by Arun describes how you can roll your own: https://phosh.mobi/posts/custom-plugins-dev/
More #phosh custom quick settings coming in. We just landed a dark mode toggle by Teemu Ikonen on main:
@FrOSCon Wisst ihr vielleicht schon welche Dev Rooms akzeptiert werden? Wir würden super gerne anfangen das Programm für den Foss on Mobile devroom zu planen 😃
Was able to grab the #nlalert2024 #cellbroadcast message with our WIP #ModemManager patches. #phosh will use the same interface.
…and here are my #FreeSoftware bits for May:
There's finally a mobile data quick setting in Phosh (will be part of 0.40.0). Not everybody needs it so you can enable/disable it via Mobile Settings:
@Anarcat …that seems to do basically what I described but will have a bit of a hard time landing in Debian.
@Anarcat You'd need a pinentry that uses e.g. layer-shell protocol to become kind of a system modal dialog guaranteed to be on top of all apps. It could even be triggered by gnome3 pinentry which just uses gcr underneath.
phosh (Wayland) does it like that (but won't work with sway (for reasons unrelated to this issue)):
New blog post: Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (21/2024): Jolla Announcements and a release of Framebufferphone https://linmob.net/weekly-update-21-2024/
@AlexxandroiD Did you switch away from tinydm? tinydm's log are at ~/.local/state}/tinydm.log (see https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Display_manager) but no idea where gdm logs are on pmOS (no `journalctl`). Finding and inspectiong the log will likely tell more why the session fails.