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✓ MIME database for gmnisrv

Regex routes and reverse proxying are the main remaining features before it's 1.0 ready I think

> [some twitter followers] asked why I’m troubled by a core system component using hundreds of megabytes of memory to ... do nothing.

Well, they are using twitter... proprietary software users don't always have the best judgement.

I often wonder why DAVx5 so frequently has an update, but vdirsyncer hardly ever does. Don't these two programs just do the same thing, but on different platforms?

"We moved to GitHub because everyone's already there"

"We shut down the mailing lists because most of our users prefer to use GitLab in their web browser"

"We're rewriting in Rust because we don't really have any non-x86_64 users"

"We're leaving IRC because Discord is more user-friendly"

What all of these arguments have in common is that they exclude people, centralize infrastructure, and eschew free software for proprietary solutions, all in the name of some ill-defined measure of "progress".

Introducing: Fund Your App

Vote for the mobile phone apps you desire to see working on the phone!

"Fund Your App is a great way to show how far we have come with the Librem 5 and PureOS, it also allows people to vote on what is our app development priority."

Nothing says "We love open source" quite like "join our Discord channel".

Also... (open source self-hosted Discord alternative) is sponsoring ...? That makes no sense.

How about instead of corporations clothing random idiots in their advertising in exchange for flooding FOSS maintainers with garbage, we provided strong mentorship to a new generation of engineers under the tutelage of maintainers whose sustainable careers are guaranteed by the direct financial support of those same corporations?

The world would be a better place where, when someone encounters something confusing or which doesn't meet their preconceptions, they first tried to learn and understand it before rewriting a bunch of software and shoving all of their notions of correct into the domain

This one is kind of subtle so to be clear I'm talking about the influence of windows and mac on linux

Anbox on the Librem 5

"Anbox now runs on the Librem 5, getting you access to many additional free software apps that are packaged only for Android."

Today in The Bookseller - the UK's trade magazine for the bookselling industry - I published "Inaudible," in which I unpack my reason for foregoing hundreds of thousands of dollars by refusing to allow Audible to put DRM on my audiobooks.


I'm currently wearing my 'root shell shirt': a button-up shirt that has `#` all around it, but I was thinking... wouldn't it be cool to have an `ls /` shirt instead?

Does anybody know of any businesses that could make this happen? And if there was one, would anyone want to bulk order?

This graph shows what happens if you *backload* the hard problems, doing them last.

This means that for a larger amount of time, you have a HIGHER risk of your assumptions being invalidated, and you'll have MORE progress which is rolled back as a result of those assumptions being invalidated.

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Fun fact: if present-day US copyright law had been in force at the time that Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" was made, Lewis Carol's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" would not have entered the public domain for another 17 years

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml