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@neauoire "Sorry, I'm not enabling javascript this month due to a known security exploit (with unknown consequences) which my browser hasn't been patched for. Hopefully next month will be better!"

my second ever blog post is out! titled '5 Steps To FOSS Contributions', it outlines what a beginner needs to get started contributing to a Free software project. it's written from experience, and i hope i can help out other newbies looking where to get started. please give it a read and let me know what you think. also check out my todo page with articles up-and-coming. thanks for your support!

@hamblingreen I mean $35/month instead of $39/month. But hey, that would be cool too!

🎉 ANNOUNCEMENT🎉 : Purism announced key leadership roles to support its growth plans. Chief Security Officer, Kyle Rankin, will step up to hold the responsibilities of Purism as its President. Chief Technology Officer, Nicole Faerber will serve as Vice- President (VP) in addition to her CTO role. Todd Weaver, the Founder and CEO of Purism will maintain his position.

@hamblingreen @linmob I would switch in a heartbeat if it were $4/month less. (I'm already a loyal subscriber, discount pretty please @purism ?) Or maybe they'll come up with a data-only plan for a lower rate? Planning to switch to eventually.

You miss some detail. Jews rest on the 7th day, Christians gather on the 1st, the day of the resurrection. So yes, Sunday is not actually part of the weekend. But it's convenient. 😎

@jameschip I created this chart from a world record progression page in wikipedia for a category. Over 100 years in this category, the fastest men's swimmer at a given time has always been faster than the fastest women's swimmer at that same time.

@linuxlounge Do you happen to use vi? I switched to back before I discovered the editor wars (I was using gedit), and now I use , but vi keybindings are so common across tui apps, it's a little frustrating .

Aaaaaand.... #Prosody 0.12.0 is released!

This is an exciting major release which contains loads of new features, fixes and enhancements to improve your experience as an #XMPP admin.

Read about the highlights of the new release on our blog:

I'm announcing that my new blog is up now! In it I'll explore ARM Linux development and C programming. For now, this is all from the perspective of a Linux newbie. My first article is also live now, and describes my Pinephone daily driver setup, and why I chose to go minimal. Please visit the site and provide feedback. Thanks for your support!

@thatonecalculator @PINE64 ooh, jealous! I ordered just before CNY, so hopefully I'll get mine in due time.

@hamblingreen Yeah, even easier than setting up a web server: install and configure gmnisrv, then forward the port on your router to the pinephone's IP address.
(Of course, this means the capsule will be offline when you take the phone anywhere, or turn it off).

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