Weekly #LinuxPhones Update (11/2022): A RISC-V handheld, Fedora on the #PinePhonePro, Precursor shipping and new releases of SailfishOS, libhandy and libadwaita


#PinePhone #Librem5

@linmob thank you peter for another wonderful update! so excited to see linuxphoneapps get fully operational. i've been a bit strectched for time lately as well, with new commitments and personal projects popping up all the time. i'm a bit skeptical about librem's whole SIMple and aweSIM thing, it seems like a weird direction for librem to go. sometimes i feel like they are stretching themselves too thin, but i still support their work and know that what they are doing is imporant.

@hamblingreen WRT Purism's MVNO effort: I doubt it takes time away from their developers or technical people, it's the business people who spend time with this MVNO thing. Given the prices I see some potential for them making decent money with this, so as long as it stabilizes their income (and thus their ability to keep or add technical staff), it's a good thing. Being in Europe that's all I care about – but I suppose I would be to cheap to subscribe to SIMple or aweSIM if I were in the US.

@linmob it makes sense, a subscription based product would provide more stable income. i'm sure their mvno is a decent product, but it's hard to justify on a student's budget here in the states :P in all seriousness, a privacy-centered mvno is something that's been lacking in the FOSS world for a while now, and i'm glad purism is stepping up to the task


@hamblingreen @linmob I would switch in a heartbeat if it were $4/month less. (I'm already a loyal librem.one subscriber, discount pretty please @purism ?) Or maybe they'll come up with a data-only plan for a lower rate? Planning to switch to jmp.chat/xmpp eventually.

@zachdecook cell service for $4 a month!?! i'd sign up in a heartbeat too. i'm on Mint Mobile (t-mobile sub-brand thingy) and it's 15 a month. cheapest decent service i could find

@hamblingreen I mean $35/month instead of $39/month. But hey, that would be cool too!

@zachdecook oh, lol i misread that. 35 a month is reasonable for people not on a student's budget :P

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