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@johntrain I did see that verse the other week and think twice about it. I imagine an argument could go that jesus bound the devil at the cross (the thousand years), but now (the short time) the devil is deceiving the nations.
I can't reconcile it with Rev 20 for a number of reasons. (e.g. why is the thousand years actually a day and the short time 2000+ years)
(the only other argument I've heard is that the devil is 'partially bound', which I find less than satisfying).

@johntrain Covenantal because Jeremiah 31:33 and Romans 9:6.
premillenial because Revelation 20 and 1 Peter 5:8 (the devil is not bound, and I can't point to a thousand year period where he was)

From editing waveforms, to simply editing text files. #Radio #journalism is changing! I've tested and tried a workflow that uses #Whisper for automatic transcriptions and #Vim for editing that is very promising and a bit...okay, very nerdy. Here's why it matters, how it works and what is still lacking:

#Audacity #Tenacity #Linux @zachdecook

@zachdecook Okay, this is awesome. It just took me only 30 minutes to do a rough edit of an almost 2h interview, which is now also 30 minutes shorter! I'll play around a bit more, and then I'll see if I can do a write-up from a radio journalists perspective on what works well, and where the rough edges are.

@dalias Phone screens these days have gotten so big, I don't mind having deadspace; it makes it easier to reach stuff. (and since the phone has an OLED screen, I could theoretically set my wallpaper to black and just pretend it's got a smaller screen). But I like my wallpaper more than I like the apps.

@dalias It's an obvious downside: in order to grab the edge (without e.g. taking away your ability to grab the app's scrollbar), there has to be a portion of the screen considered the gaps...
At one point, I had a keybinding to toggle the size of the the gaps, but since dropping my monitor scale from 3 to 2.666, the wasted screen real estate hasn't bothered me: most video players have a fullscreen option.

(I'm really hoping to get people who like compiling compositors on their phones interested, that way they can fix the bugs and I won't have to!)

Show thread @dalias
I don't use [proprietary] Discord, though Vaxry claims that since Drew's contact "We managed to improve the situation drastically, and are now striving, more successfully than ever, to maintain an actually inclusive community revolving around Hyprland." (of course, I haven't seen that private evidence-- trust whoever, or no one)

workspace_swipe_touch was just merged into ; I would say this is almost a competitive interface, but still not a perfect drop-in for sway.

@yoshi you have to change it to "2024_filename" (no .wav extension) ... probably would be a good patch to make it work with the extension there because that also tripped me up when I first used it.

@yoshi There's a lot going on, but it's like this.
1. Get SRT files for your unedited audio files
2. use srt2tsv to make a tsv file
3. edit the tsv file
4. use tsv2roughcut to make an mp3 of your edit

That "edit your podcast using Vim" program (recently mentioned on the podcast) now supports because I realized I have a project that this is a good fit for, and I write micro plugins . It's nice to have a lightweight audio/video editor that works in my favorite text editor.

@vitali64sur I think the process started when martijn left pmos core team and tooted 'pmOS is becoming Gnome OS' after they met with pottering.


So if I
* don't use green/yellow
* don't give six turns
* don't have on-screen-keyboard

I'll be safe?

Just wondering because the game I coincidentally launched on my website today might have some similarities with theirs.

@TMakarios can someone link me to an clone I can host on my server. Bonus points if it has no server-side requirement (or uses PHP for server-side requirement)

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