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Every now and then people wonder how to replace 's on screen keyboard and what interfaces are needed. Here's some notes on that:

@stoneymonster As a developer at a company in this industry, I'm happy to say that we don't do this. (opinions belong to myself, and not my employer). It's great, for a terminal-editor, mostly due to mouse support, multiple cursors, and conventional default keybindings. (even works well on mobile linux with a gtk3 vte-based terminal)

@cas Thanks for all your work on the Oneplus 6! A while back I bought one second hand and I have been daily driving #postmarketos with #sxmo ever since. Compared to the pinephone, it's a much improved experience!

@apangona @craftyguy
doas su postgres
pg_dumpall > 13.dump.sql
doas apk add postgresql16
doas rc-service nextcloud stop
doas rc-service postgresql stop
doas pg_versions set-default 16
doas rc-service postgresql start
doas su postgres
cat 13.dump.sql | psql
doas rc-service nextcloud start
doas apk del postgresql13

(you may consider this CC-0 or whatever license the wiki has)

@apangona @craftyguy I just did the postgres update thing (jumping from 13 to 16). Maybe we sgould write a wiki page?

@mntmn @soulsource aerc has a setting for mouse support... but it doesn't work perfect (just click, no clixk and drag)

@dusnm Maybe he's waiting to see how long it take for someone to look up the game and notice how this is english wikipedia's canonical image for that topic. How would a privacy-friendly bluetooth beacon even work?

I've been working on porting to the ( controller), and it works alright on both hardware revisions. I've finally created a PR for this upstream, so if you want a colorful hexagonal , maybe this is for you!

@matt @sonny I really miss the ubuntu unity feature of 'press alt to search program menu options'. Useful in Audacity (a complex program). Select audio segment, press alt, type 'fade out' press enter. (much easier than remembering keyboard shortcuts)
Is there any effort being done anywhere to bring back this 'server-side menu' functionality? (I've heard that gnome is against 'server-side decorations')

failing at dbus/portals 

failing at dbus/portals 

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