So when I was young I had a kids casette player abd a bunch of bedtime storues on tapes I could listen to during the day, and at bed time. I would like sonething like this for my kids, but with physical media.

This leaves me with two choices as far as I can tell.

1. Find a hardy tape deck and work out recording audio books to tapes myself.

2. Yoto player, which seems ok but I am sure that sone srevice will go down and the cards we buy will be useless at sone point. I am assuming the audio is not stored on the cards here.

It is a shame that these things are just not a normal thing now.


@jameschip tangara uses full-sized SD cards... which would be a lot 'cheaper' to replace than a custom-made tape... but the drawback is that your kid will be wearing headphones so you won't be able to listen along with them.

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