It's been a while since I was actively excited about a new computer.

I'm actively excited about the @mntmn Reform Next.

It's Open, repairable, modular, and looks cool af in its raw aluminum (I GUESS you can also get it in a brilliant aubergine or black).

It runs off replaceable, standard LiFePO4 cells & you can mod it with other battery chemistries without changing the charging board.

The modularity is really approaching LEGO/Eurorack/ISO bike standarrd levels.


@JoshuaACNewman @mntmn I'm looking forward to getting mine too. While my current laptop has been running well for 10 years, the lack of USB-C, the need for proprietary webcam firmware, and a dodgy wireless driver are my biggest gripes. Thankfully Reform Next has a webcam and modular port boards, so I should be good for another 10+ years.

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