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petrisch boosted

phosh 0.33.0 is out 🚀📱:

Allows to toggle password visibility on/off in all modal dialogs, new
🔒-screen plugin to launch tasks, improved support for Indic languages ➕ UI and troubleshooting tab improvements in mobile settings.

Check out the full release notes at

petrisch boosted

What shell do you use?

Drop a comment if you use anything else! I ran out of options 😅

Waren gerade im bei den . Immer wieder Ooh-Momente und eine Verzauberung in eine andere Welt. Schön dass es das noch gibt!

petrisch boosted

Hi folks! Would you like to become better hackers?

I offer a #hacker #course for the first 3 lucky applicants.

Want to learn #Rust? #Linux? Or just have someone who knows where to find answers about the universe?

Now I'm ready to become your #mentor - if you support me :)

petrisch boosted

I'm trying to make my own theme for Neovim, but I can't get this to work:

hi markdownUrlTitleDelimiter guisp=NONE guifg=#00ff11 guibg=#00ff11 ctermfg=237 ctermbg=160 gui=NONE cterm=NONE

(Don't mind the colour, it's just for testing.)

What's wrong?

#Vim #Neovim

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

hello little guy! Thanks for calmly posing and letting me move my within just a few cm!

Releases new github competitor.
Hosts its own source on github.
Like: Shure if I present a new chocolate I'll have you some Lindt for desert 🤦.

@penpot I just tried to get my foot into penpot since i heard many good things. However i struggle because the burden to install it with docker is quite high for me (at work at least). Both elest and the desktop app require a account... why?

petrisch boosted

Introducing the Librem 11 Tablet! The Librem 11 is a powerful tablet preloaded with PureOS running our Phosh user interface. Every order comes with a keyboard case, a pressure-sensitive stylus, and 1TB of storage. Order yours today!

petrisch boosted

phosh 0.31.0 is out 🚀📱:

Lots of fixes in ➕ better xdg-activation ➕ less CPU usage ➕ animations on tiling/max

now supports the tablet-mode of convertibles (based on work by Jonathan Hall)

p-m-s allows to configure the notification priority for waking up the screen (thanks to Suraj Kumar Mahto).

libcall-ui switched to GTK4 thanks to @antonok.

Check out the full release notes at


Maybe AI can finally answer much more important questions like:
Who wins: Ali vs Holyfield or McEnroe vs Federer.
Like not saying it, but really show a match...

petrisch boosted

:neko_cats_eye: Today I'm going to show you how I turned a cheap USB numeric keypad into a pad that I use for my digital painting shortcuts under GNU/Linux.
→ Tutorial:

#Keypad #Linux #NailPolish
#diy #Krita #MastoArt

petrisch boosted

Habe ich als Nutzer Einfluss darauf, in welchem Ordner ich starte, wenn ich in einer Software auf "Datei öffnen" klicke?

In meinem konkreten Fall geht es um #FreeCAD. Da muss ich mich jedes mal von meinem home-Verzeichnis aus zur Zieldatei durchklicken. Viel lieber wäre es mir, wenn standardmäßig das zuletzt geöffnete Verzeichnis offen wäre.
Kann ich darauf Einfluss nehmen?

petrisch boosted

No its not ok if your app suddenly only works on chrome. is the browser I use and it used to work there. And there was no change on that side, so _you_ didn't check for it. Damit.
Thanks for listening fedi.

petrisch boosted

Over the last week we have been battling a DDOS attack which is now largely mitigated. Please excuse any disruptions or slowness you may run into.

petrisch boosted

FreeCAD 0.21 Released
The FreeCAD team is happy to announce the release of FreeCAD 0.21! This release contains thousands of bug fixes and hundreds of other improvements. New Sketcher tools, improved TechDraw features, and significant advances in the finite element method (FEM) workbench are just a few of the many areas developers worked on over the last year. More details can be found on the wiki v0.21 Release Page

petrisch boosted
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