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This is great! My only real issue so far with Mastodon has been the ugly web interface.

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How the latest Purism commercial was made with entirely with GNU/Linux, Free Software, and Librem laptops.

Storyboarding, motion design, color grading, video editing... We do it all with Freedom in mind.

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Micah boosted

If only there was a Tech podcast / show that had...

- No Swearing (kid and work friendly)
- No personal attacks ("Be Excellent To Each Other")
- No political attacks (no matter who you vote for, we're friends)
- Lots of nerdy-ness (goofy and serious)

Filming a corporate video Tuesday with preproduction on Monday! Preproduction I'll use my Lenovo X220T with Elementary OS and LibreOffice. Filming I'll be using my Sony a6300 and various lights, lenses, stands etc. and Tascam DR60 MK2 and Sennheiser MKE600 mic. EDITING I'll be using DaVinci Resolve Studio 16 on my Ubuntu 18.04 Workstation... I do work like this all the time AND DON'T ANYONE TELL ME THAT PROFESSIONAL VIDEO PRODUCTION IS NOT POSSIBLE ON LINUX!!!

Actually the same plan! Pizza and watched Johnny English Strikes Again with my family.

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Did you know that with the Librem 5 smartphone you can remove the back and have access to :

- the battery
- a removable OpenPGP smart card
- a removable cellular modem
- and a microSD card so you can expand your storage later on

More here:

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Micah boosted

Today we answer the age old question...

What boots faster:
- a Librem 5 smartphone running PureOS (GNU/Linux)
- or a run of the mill Android phone

Blog & MP4:


@grahambae @gbryant @lunduke I want a good "getting started with PeerTube" tutorial. Any suggestions?

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Personal resolution: search for video content on Peertube/LBRY before jumping straight to

Suggestion for Youtubers: upload your content to other platforms as well as Youtube, and encourage your viewers to watch you there instead.

As viewers, we can vote with our views by watching our favourite content creators on those platforms, and if possible make small donations to compensate for the lost ad revenue.

Tagging my favourite Free software loving Youtubers @gbryant and @lunduke

@pixelfed I use Librem One, is their a way to link this account to Pixelfed? @purism

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml