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@linmob @Ezra @PINE64 Something I think you guys should do eventually (probably not now), would be to interview EvilDragon and talk with him about the Pyra project ( Its been an eternity, but they have finally started shipping devices.

Based on some of the stuff I've seen in their forums, it also seems like they have some plans to actually make a Pyra phone at some point.

leimon boosted

#postmarketOSpodcast 3 is out! Lots of news covered this time, among the topics: @purism's Librem 5, Mainlining of Android devices, Feedbackd, @kde Plasma 5.21 and lots about @PINE64's PinePhone.

@thomasorus This is a bit of a crappy example but, here I've essentially embeded a sample "template" string within a second C source file and then just make the other source file aware of it by using an extern. Hopefully this will give you some inspiration.

FYI: This pastebin site only keeps things up for about 24 hours. So hopefully this reaches you in time.

@thomasorus Umm, if you'd like I could whip up a little example for you later after my kiddos are in bed.

@thomasorus Unfortunately, you can't do that exactly but, you might be able to move your templates over into separate include files or as separate C files (containing the string as global variables).

@geotechland @PINE64 @gnome Thanks for always posting your videos to alternative video platforms like Odysee! Recently, I've decided to move away from Youtube and I really appreciate being able to watch your content elsewhere.

@reality2cast @katherined @doc @kyle That was a great episode! It just so happens that I ordererd myself some yubikeys last week but, hadn't yet got around to setting them up. Looks like I know what I'll be doing this weekend.

leimon boosted

Phosh Overview

"phosh is graphical shell for mobile, touch based devices like smart phones. It’s the default graphical shell on Purism’s Librem 5 (and that’s where it came to life) but projects like Postmarket OS, Mobian and Debian have picked it up putting it into use on other devices as well and contributing patches."

leimon boosted

While we had enabled power saving for the vivante gpu on the since some time we couldn't power off the corresponding regulator (power supply) since the phone would hang then. Turns out we just didn't give it enough time to come back up. Fix is already merged into linux-next:

leimon boosted

@dos @purism That looks really smooth! Is that external display running at 60fps @ 1080p? Cause if so, the L5 may be a bit snappier than my rpi4.

leimon boosted

December News Update!

- RK3366 SBCs are coming!
- 2020 in review
- #Pinephone and #Pinetime together
- #Pinephone keyboard for developers
- #PinebookPro back in March!
- #PineCube case
- #Pinecil and Docking Deck launch reception

and more...

leimon boosted

With latest updates, GNOME Web (Epiphany) can play YouTube videos on the Librem 5, so you won't have to switch to Firefox to do that anymore. And you won't believe where the bug was located[1]! ;) Call `sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-libav` or wait a few days until it's installed by default with the next update and enjoy. @purism

[1] it was in glibc...

leimon boosted

@thomasorus Excellent, and don't forget to make sure you recompile your code with debugging symbols on (i.e., include the `-ggdb` flag when compiling) before trying to debug it. Otherwise the debuggers will show you disassembly instead, which isn't so helpful.

@thomasorus I'd recommend you run that in a debugger. My preference is either for nemiver or better yet, the eclipse c standalone debugger. I'd help you more, but I'd need to be at a computer and Not on a phone.

Anyhow if you rerun your code within a debugger it will at least (probably) pinpoint the line which triggered the segfault.

@purism Whoa, did you guys just sneakily a second USB-C port to the design, cause that would be amazing!

Also, while I am generally against having silkscreen on the side of a laptop, USB-C ports are a bit of an exception for me as they aren't all created equal. If possible I might suggest a dark silkscreen (So it doesn't stick out unless you are really looking) next to those ports indicating their capabilities (e.g., DP, thunderbolt, and or charging).

Anyhow, Its looking great.

leimon boosted

@mntmn The L5 looks compelling enough and Purism appears to be very committed to openly developing the Linux phone ecosystem.

Admittedly the price is high but, the product is not subsidized (by selling user data) and similarly it isn't sold at a loss because they are planning to make a profit though associated app sales. My feeling is that the price is fair.

TLDR; I preordered one a couple of years ago and I have no regrets.

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