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Mom is out of town, so this evening the kid and I played some chess, ate some cookies we baked yesterday, watched some Mythbusters, and will end the evening with a bedtime story from Fellowship of the Ring. ⁨

Exciting times! I'm entering the next stage in my journey to bring freedom, security and privacy to more people by assuming the role of President of @purism!

Security self-sufficiency means identifying those areas where you are dependent upon other companies, and choosing solutions that allow you to revoke trust easily, hold your own keys, and audit your digital supply chain.

TIL about the 'apt changelog' command. I can't believe all the time I've wasted running zless and tab completing until I hit the right changelog.gz...

They say our code won't pay the rent
Before it's earned, our money's all been spent
I guess that's so, we don't have a plot
But at least I'm sure of all the things we got

I got GNU babe. I got GNU babe.

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I said I code you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I couldn't code you any better
I code you just the way you are

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Isn't C lovely?
Isn't C wonderful?
Isn't C precious?
Less than one minute old
I never thought through code, we'd be
Making one as lovely in C
But isn't C lovely? Made from code

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What the world needs now, is code, sweet code.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is code, sweet code,
No not just for some, but for everyone

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I've heard people say that
Too much of anything is not good for you, baby
Oh no
But I don't know about that
There's many times that we've coded
We've shared code and made code
It doesn't seem to me like it's enough
There's just not enough of it
There's just not enough
Oh oh babe

My developer I
Can't get enough of your code, babe
GNU, I don't know I don't know why
Can't get enough of your code, babe

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A surprising amount of love songs become parodies that write themselves just by replacing "love" with "code" in the lyrics. Some examples:

I realized I'm bad at estimating how much time ⁨⁩ will take. First I estimated a napkin took about 3 hours, then after weaving 2 hours this morning and not finishing I figured it would take 9. Another hour and now it's done. So maybe 5 hours?

Tune in to our new episode! @katherined talks to @kyle about global supply chain security, disaster and security preparedness, and the Librem 5.
Visit the following link for full episode -

I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast almost every day for years, yet I still haven't mastered eating it without burning some part of my mouth.

Weaving napkins is like making pancakes. The first one doesn't count. The second one is better but not quite there. But by the third one you finally got it down. ⁨

I finally found the time to upgrade my work Librem 14 laptop to Qubes 4.1. I followed the backup/install/restore method instead of in-place upgrade. It was relatively uneventful and so far so good.

Pi Day is a fake holiday made up by big Math to sell more Math.

This picture shows the 2nd napkin, which has different and less noticeable mistakes than the first one. By the time I get to the 8th napkin it (and I) should be pretty good!

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I'm practicing ⁨⁩ doubleshot patterns by making a full set of napkins with free and cheap yarn I already had. I'm learning a lot about weaving complex patterns with this project. It will be hard to wipe my mouth with these napkins when I'm done.

Since the Librem 5 runs the same OS as Librem laptops, it has the same software. I recently got an SDR (Software Defined Radio) dongle, and I can connect it to the Librem 5 and use the same tools (gqrx) as on a laptop. Gqrx isn't adaptive, so I just dock the Librem 5. Pretty fun.

Back home after a work day. Left with a 85% charged #Librem5 on 8:35, now it's 18:45 and I just received the 10% battery warning.
Quite the improvement, I'd say!

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