I said I code you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I couldn't code you any better
I code you just the way you are
Isn't C lovely?
Isn't C wonderful?
Isn't C precious?
Less than one minute old
I never thought through code, we'd be
Making one as lovely in C
But isn't C lovely? Made from code
What the world needs now, is code, sweet code.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is code, sweet code,
No not just for some, but for everyone
I've heard people say that
Too much of anything is not good for you, baby
Oh no
But I don't know about that
There's many times that we've coded
We've shared code and made code
It doesn't seem to me like it's enough
There's just not enough of it
There's just not enough
Oh oh babe
My developer I
Can't get enough of your code, babe
GNU, I don't know I don't know why
Can't get enough of your code, babe
I realized I'm bad at estimating how much time #weaving will take. First I estimated a napkin took about 3 hours, then after weaving 2 hours this morning and not finishing I figured it would take 9. Another hour and now it's done. So maybe 5 hours?
Tune in to our new episode! @katherined talks to @kyle about global supply chain security, disaster and security preparedness, and the Librem 5.
Visit the following link for full episode - https://www.reality2cast.com/103
Weaving napkins is like making pancakes. The first one doesn't count. The second one is better but not quite there. But by the third one you finally got it down. #weaving
This picture shows the 2nd napkin, which has different and less noticeable mistakes than the first one. By the time I get to the 8th napkin it (and I) should be pretty good!
I'm practicing #weaving doubleshot patterns by making a full set of napkins with free and cheap yarn I already had. I'm learning a lot about weaving complex patterns with this project. It will be hard to wipe my mouth with these napkins when I'm done.
Back home after a work day. Left with a 85% charged #Librem5 on 8:35, now it's 18:45 and I just received the 10% battery warning.
Quite the improvement, I'd say!
It's hard to believe it's been a year since I replaced my personal computer with a #Librem5 and laptop dock. In this post I talk about my impressions, the docks I've tried, and using my Librem 5 as a tablet. https://puri.sm/posts/my-first-year-of-librem-5-convergence/
Update: I finished threading the heddles. It took me about 5 hours total. This is why I'm making a set of 8 napkins, not just one at a time--the up front work to "dress the loom" is the same regardless of how long the warp is.
While warping my loom this weekend, I discovered the fabric I'm #weaving is so fine and dense (20" wide, 24 ends per inch) that I don't have enough heddles! You can't find these at your local craft shop, I had to order them from a specialty shop. In the mean time I wait...
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.