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You can get a better sense of the pattern now that it's repeated a few times. This is called "Wandering Vine" (from Davison's famous ⁨⁩ pattern book) but is also known as "Cat Track" or "Snail Trail" which makes more sense once you can see more of the pattern.

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I finally sat down and started ⁨⁩ the overshot table runner last night. The set up for this took quite a while, but I think the actual weaving will go pretty quickly.

This weekend I'm threading the warp for my next ⁨⁩ project, a table runner with a "Wandering Vine" overshot pattern. Threading 452 warp threads is a lot all at once so I'm splitting it into multiple 1-3 hour sessions.

Preparing to weave fine cloth is no small task. The warp for the table runner I'm weaving next calls for 452 2.25yd long warp threads (24 epi). It took me about 6-7 hours on Sunday to measure out, and that was with running three threads at a time!

Yesterday I learned via a fiber arts podcast that the surname Walker was derived from the profession of Scottish waulkers who took part in waulking: the process of fulling (felting) woolen handwoven fabric by foot to make them denser/warmer.

I realized I hardly ever add topical hashtags to posts which probably makes it tougher for folks around the fediverse to see things I write that they might be interested in. I'll try to do better with future posts about , , and and topics.

Estate sales are the way to go for quality yarn if you know what to look for. I just bought this collection of yarn (mostly wool and cotton) for the price of a single small skein of the yarn you see in front, if it were new. ⁨⁩ ⁨

Last night I finished ⁨⁩ the 8th (and final) overshot napkin! I *barely* had enough warp left for it. Now to take them off the loom and hem the edges.

Check out this cool article on the ⁨⁩ innovations that went into the recently discovered oldest pants in history! Four different weaving techniques in a single fabric!

I realized I'm bad at estimating how much time ⁨⁩ will take. First I estimated a napkin took about 3 hours, then after weaving 2 hours this morning and not finishing I figured it would take 9. Another hour and now it's done. So maybe 5 hours?

Weaving napkins is like making pancakes. The first one doesn't count. The second one is better but not quite there. But by the third one you finally got it down. ⁨

I'm practicing ⁨⁩ doubleshot patterns by making a full set of napkins with free and cheap yarn I already had. I'm learning a lot about weaving complex patterns with this project. It will be hard to wipe my mouth with these napkins when I'm done.

While warping my loom this weekend, I discovered the fabric I'm is so fine and dense (20" wide, 24 ends per inch) that I don't have enough heddles! You can't find these at your local craft shop, I had to order them from a specialty shop. In the mean time I wait...

This weekend I finished the krokbragd pillow I was ⁨⁩ for my mom. I used a Damascus edge for the fringe and hid the fringe in the fabric. It took three tries to hand stitch the seams in an envelope fold I was happy with. Now I just wait for the pillow form to arrive!

My local yarn shop sells natural-color wool from sheep living in the county south of here and the skeins actually have pictures (and names!) of the sheep the wool is from. I just need to decide on a project before I buy it all. ⁨

I'm over halfway through with this krokbragd ⁨⁩ project. It's amazing how much faster this is on a floor loom compared to on a rigid heddle.

I'm finally getting to the fun part of this project where patterns start to emerge. ⁨

This doesn't look like much, but it took me over 5 hours to warp this loom today (mostly because I was trying a new back-to-front warping technique).

I used the leftover yarn from my wife's tweed scarf (left) to make myself a plaid scarf (right) so they match without being identical.

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