Just registered for #SCaLE for real! See you there. I’ll be the one with a lot of podcast stickers. 😁
As I hoped, Steve discusses the Lastpass breach on today's episode. He also makes a recommendations for current users. https://twit.tv/sn. The episode should be available later today or watch us live at https://twit.tv/live.
Another Black man falsely accused of a crime and arrested because of a bad facial recognition search. Fourth or so we know about; probably many more we don't. Arrested while driving to a family Thanksgiving and kept in jail for 7 days, even though he'd never been in the same state as the crime scene
@clacke @dsearls @eze_lanza @reality2cast Thanks! I thought that might be a fun way to get started. I’ll post the full output in our newsletter soon.
@shawnp0wers @eliasr @hehemrin @reality2cast @dsearls R2-D2 encryption will never get old. I stand by this. 🤣 (for context, I sent a group message to Shawn and others in which autocorrect transformed e2e to R2-D2 and the world is better for it.)
@clacke @eliasr @dsearls @eze_lanza @reality2cast That's very interesting. I could see how self-training on translation might eventually create a new language or dialect. And now I want to go ask ChatGPT to create a new spoken language and see what happens. :)
@eliasr @hehemrin @reality2cast @dsearls @shawnp0wers I think that's fair criticism. It may get close for many Apple users, but you have to place a lot of trust in Apple in exchange for convenience.
@hehemrin @eliasr @reality2cast @dsearls @eze_lanza That's the thing. In the case of ChatGPT, fact checking is crowd-sourced, but I don't think it could fact check itself without human input, but I'd defer to @eze_lanza on that. It definitely has accuracy issues today in its current state. Significant ones, as we mentioned in the podcast. Depending on the prompt, it might make up something totally nonsensical that could seem true.
@eze_lanza @eliasr @reality2cast @dsearls Yeah, I think you are right about user feedback.
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#openSource #Drupal
In case you missed it, here’s that Google research paper @eze_lanza mentioned in our most recent episode: “Attention is All You Need” https://research.google/pubs/pub46201/ #ai #models #transformer #chatgpt
New episode of #FLOSS Weekly is out. @dsearls and I talked to Dan Lorenc about supply chain security and the Sigstore project in particular. https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/712
Hey look I went to govtrack.us for legislative data and was met with a shout-out for #Mastodon! Nice. #social #open #birdmigration
I’ll be on #floss Weekly in about 20 minutes talking #opensource, supply chain #security, and #Sigstore with @dsearls and Dan Lorenc of Chainguard. Join us on the livestream and in IRC! https://twit.tv/live
CVE Binary Tool 3.2 is released!
This is my work open source project that lets you scan for known vulnerabilities in your binaries, package lists and SBOMs. It's meant to make it easier (and cheaper!) to make secure open source software.
3.2 includes new features from our Google Summer of Code 2022 contributors & more.
Release notes: https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/releases/tag/v3.2
And get the code on pypi:
Boosts appreciated!
Here's @team statement on this:
We call for #MadisonSquareGarden to immediately end all use of #facialrecognition and #biometric #surveillance tech.
And we call on lawmakers to enact a ban on all use of facial recognition in places of public accommodation, as defined by the ADA.
#Twitter suspends #Mastodon account, prevents sharing links: Our statement
@katherined gotta love Joomla! Been building sites on the CMS for about 15 years or so and volunteering with them for about 10. So many amazing volunteers.
Open source enthusiast, formerly of the late, great Linux Journal. Drupalist, software engineer, podcaster, decorative arts enthusiast. Ex-derby girl. Things I like: Open Source, Privacy, Drupal, Linux, Security. Check out my podcast with Doc Searls: https://reality2cast.com and https://reality2.social/@reality2cast and occasionally on FLOSS Weekly at https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly Work: Open Source Evangelist at Intel #IamIntel (opinions are my own) Pronouns: She/her #opensource #privacy #security #tech #podcast