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On November 9th, I'll be talking on PackagingCon about creating Flatpak packages without using flatpak-builder:

The talks are just 20 minutes long, so it's focused on "how do I achieve something functional" rather than technical deep dive. See you there!

In urgent beging need of financial help!

I couldn't pay for my full rent this month and my landlord wants to throw me out because of it, I didn't have much money because of my medical sick leave and I'm really short on money, to eat and pay bills.

If anyone has anything to help, please! I'm begging!

My PayPal is

#MutualAid @mutualaid

As cenas que um tipo encontra a ver fotos antigas :D
Isto foi em entre 2009 e 2011 com amigos.

EN: The stuff a person finds when looking at old pictures :D
This was in between 2009 and 2010, with friends.

The seventieth edition of my weekly collection of news about #LinuxPhones (@PINE64 #PinePhone, #PinePhonePro, @purism #Librem5 and such), #LinBits, is out!

#Phosh 0.14.0 delivers a bunch of quality of life improvements, #MaemoLeste share a massive progress report, #Jolla present #Sailfish OS 4.3.0 and more!

I wrote this article because I believe that a true democratic society is slowly happening while the technology is slowly being owned by the people. This bright upcoming future has nothing to do with politics but from the people financing Free aka "Libre" licensed technologies.

I should have said "contributing to" instead of "financing". The developers, designers, manufacturers, translators and any other contributors to free technologies are part of this beautiful collaborative world

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Can you imagine how many years of email admin lives would be saved and how simpler their lives would be if people simply did not send emails to and ????

google and microsoft are like two of the biggest offenders when it comes to email, bullying smaller services. And yet every email sysadmin has to work to comply with google and MS rules.

...and here's the same thing using . Needs more work and polishing but just to give an idea. It works pretty well with thumb only too but that's hard to record.

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Looks like I'm now almost a cybercriminal according to Apple

Yesterday the Debian Security Advisory number #5000 was published. Thanks Security Team for the continuous effort and support all these years!

@be Fanatical packaging systems (within reason) strongly assure well-behaved software.

Dependencies are managed. Configurations are preserved. Bugs are tracked and prioritised, including packaging bugs (which can be release-critical). Standards are imposed and enforced (notably for documentation).

Well-packaged software should, of course, be distrubutable by other packaging formats. That's a given. But to say that a packageing format or method can produce well-behaved packages is inverting causality and looking through the wrong end of the telescope.

Good packaging systems prevent and minimise suce effects. Bad software is exposed by virtue of the fact that it cannot comly with good packaging requirements.


Please, don't panic: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been published on October 12, 1979.

Exactly 42 years ago 🙊

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