Participate in our #DisrootAliasChallenge !
Until 1st of January, take part in our fundraising event. Choose your favorite domain between, and by donating to #Disroot using your choosen domain's hashtag: #glorifiedhacker, #GetGoogleOffMe or #Morecats
Victorious domain name will be given as an extra alias for all Disrooters.
Let the coolest domain win!
See the details on
Oh oh, and we also made super high quality promotional video you cannot miss out on:
Have an awesome celebration time people!
Excuse me but "Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg won’t talk to the Guardian. So we fed everything he says into an algorithm, built a Zuckerbot, and interviewed it" has got to be the best take.
"Yet Another #Librem5 and #PinePhone Comparison" is an in-depth technical comparison of the two devices by #postmarketOS developer @martijnbraam
You can read it here: #linux
Lettre commune de l'Observatoire des Libertés et du Numérique, dont est membre LQDN
80 organisation demandent au gouvernement et au Parlement d'interdire les dispositifs de reconnaissance faciale sécuritaires présentes et à venir.
just realized you were accessible by on the fediverse. I have been recommending disroot to people lately. its cool to see that yall are also "here" @muppeth
O Libreflix é tipo uma Netflix gratuita cheia de docs e curtas de produção independente e que colocam nossa cabeça para pensar
Uma iniciativa linda ♥️
#FridayReads Your phone isn't born in a store
Want to know how your phone is made + how Fairphone is doing things differently at some of the most important points in the process? 🤔Read all about it ➡️⬅️
Lo que viene...
The Tories were desperate to divert media attention from the story about a 4 year old boy with pneumonia, left on the floor of a hospital, with coats for bedding, because there were no beds available. This story was real.
Kuenssberg, Peston, Usherwood & Brand were only to willing to assist. In their rush to report first, they didn't perform *basic* journalistic checks. Fake news personified.
🔥 - Fire
💧 - Water
🍨 - Ice
Read more at:
How To Install The Latest Firefox (Non-ESR) On Debian 10 Buster (Stable) Or Bullseye (Testing)
#Debian #Firefox
*How To Install The Latest Firefox (Non-ESR) On Debian 10 Buster (Stable) Or Bullseye (Testing)*
> Debian Stable and Testing only have Firefox-ESR in their repositories. This article explains how to install the latest Firefox (stable but non-ESR) on Debian Stable (Buster) or Testing (Bullseye).
Escuchamos a un colectivo hablar desde la experiencia de diez años de lucha antiespecista, la asamblea antiespecita de Madrid, un grupo autoorganizado y horizontal que nació en diciembre de 2009 y a día de hoy podemos seguir viendo sus mensajes en las calles.
Otra forma más de luchar por la liberación animal.
Sección: Rebeldes con causa Yashka, el oso ruso que se rebeló contra su domador el pasado el 23 de octubre.
¡Salud y antiespecismo!