Sign the open letter about the universal right to install any software on any device in the EU:
"If you work from home or run a business, Nextcloud, and its app integrations, provide almost everything you need to opt out of big tech entirely." Not only do you get a private cloud storage server but a bunch of excellent apps for all purposes!"
@siriwikander Varje gång när jag tänker efter lite extra i samband med rapporteringarna från invasionskriget så känns det så absurt, obegripligt och så totalt onyttigt. Allt lidande, död, besvär och materiella problem. Det är så vedervärdigt. Nyss läste jag en artikel om status för kriget i östra Kongo där det varit krig så länge. Och det finns fler krig som pågår. Kan man inte bara sluta kriga…! Hur som, gott att du gör en insats som du kan göra.
Just some fun for the holiday week. Change your Linux background with Nitrogen. :)
Thunderbird! Now I happily use Thunderbird as my e-mail client! Again. I also use it for my RSS-subscriptions. And it has more features. I wrote down a some notes from my configuration and migration from Apple macOS e-mail client. Thunderbird works well on macOS, but I also plan to use it on Linux going forward. #Thunderbird #RSS #email #WalkingToLinux #FOSS #opensource
Big rumblings in the expansion of the #Fediverse have been happening recently.
#Tumblr has already promised to implement #ActivityPub (the protocol Mastodon uses), which will mean you can follow Tumblr accounts from here and vice versa. And today we a learning that #Flickr is also considering it!
This will be a massive expansion bringing, which obviously carries some uncertainties, but I, for one, welcome our new federation partners.
This is the way the internet is supposed to work.
@jesperstromback Jag ska också säga att det går att ha konton på flera instanser, inget tekniskt hinder, men kan vara förvirrande för följare och en själv. Numera finns det funktion i Mastodon som gör det enkelt att byta instans och ta med följarna automatiskt. (Jag ser att du fått svar från flera andra, får titta om mina svar sammanfaller!)
@jesperstromback Det spelar viss roll. För min del var valet inte så mycket tanke innan, jag började 2019. Valet kom av att jag hade kontakt med det "social purpose"-företaget som driver min instans (de gör datorer, mobiler, operativsystem mm med fokus på integritet och säkerhet). Vissa instanser är direkt relaterade till intresseområde privat/professionellt. Olika instanser kan också ha lite olika funktioner, blocka instanser, och policy. Så det kan vara värt att fundera och kolla runt.
@eliasr I can sympathize with your suggestion. It has occurred to me too. It will not happen soon for me, but anyway: which OS do you suggest and why, for a free phone? Regarding mobile in general, I use it for as little as possible, not only for privacy. I prefer computer with big screen, keyboard and mouse. So very few apps on mobile.
@ianburnette Someone suggested this one a couple of days ago regarding how to write ALT-tetx: #ALTtext
@thunderbird Thanks for the suggestion. I have installed and started to use PocketCasts, give it a try.
I have remote content turned off for e-mails, as default. It's incredible how much that is remote content for many newsletters and other e-mails. By the way, I have recently returned to Thunderbird - I'll write more another day! #email #privacy #Thunderbird
@eliasr And I would not mind a phone like Librem5 or PinePhone. But unless dual boot, I do not believe I manage to get them work with the example apps. Or if if I install LineageOS, PostmarketOS, or the other OS I am aware of, on an Android phone. Tell me any suggestion you know.
I want to tell you the story of Vivienne Malone-Mayes, Texas-born mathemetician and professor, but I don't think you can understand her journey without talking about the #AcademicRacism in which she existed.
@Viss It is the same thought I had a few weeks ago when I filed a bug-wish report in digiKams BugZilla report system and the developers contacted me within an hour (!) to review it. My wish is not so likely to happen in near time, but they listen, explore and explain possibilities and concerns. My previous sw (Adobe Photoshop Elements) is, I believe, comparable to Twitter vs Mastodon bug reporting.
Hear from Todd Weaver (@todd), Purism’s CEO and Founder, featured in CNBC. In 2014 started Purism, a Social Purpose Company with a clear vision to respect freedom, security and privacy. Read how Purism is advancing Made in USA electronics➡️
Since 2003, part of our mission has been respecting your #privacy and putting YOU in control – not a corporation.
We never show advertisements. We never sell your data.
That’s because #Thunderbird is completely funded by donations from generous people just like you.
YOU keep this great software free. YOU help us develop great new features. YOU keep us thriving!
Please consider giving a gift to help Thunderbird be the best it's ever been in 2023.
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer