DFRI-replik om e-legitimation på DN Debatt idag:
”Diskussionen om e-legitimation saknar frihetsperspektivet”
@eliasr @dfri Tack och mycket bra!
Inom parantes: (Vidare: Jag tänker också på att vid legitimering så bör den jag legitimerar mig för bara få veta det den behöver veta om mig (lite sånt som diskuterats med en del gäster/org/företag och programledarna själva i Reality 2-podden, även om deras utgångspunkt är USA).
Samt att det ni skriver om öppen standard, så fler argument är att det ger transparans och kan vara säkrare eftersom fler kan granska koden. )
Hur som, mycket bra!
I review my settings on Apple devices. In particular iCloud. What is stored or synced. Still I am confused what is really uploaded to iCloud and what will happen when I change settings on one device on the other device. In addition there is the device backup. Generally, Apple devices works very well and user do not need to bother. But when the user do want to bother or understand at least a little how it works, Apple sw is not so user friendly (=non-open). #icloud #apple #privacy #proprietary
Over the past few weeks we have seen a massive shift away from a centralized, proprietary social media platform (Twitter) onto a decentralized, federated, open one (Mastodon) that along with a few other indicators points to the pendulum starting to swing back toward an interest in open protocols, networks, and technologies beyond social media.
Read this latest post by @kyle, President, Purism.
@zak Debian is as Volvo cars (used to be); not the funniest but very robust and reliable, like a tractor. Mint is a couple of steps funnier. I am sure you are right, there are other that use edge tech. For time being, I stay on not top modern devices, but should be good enough with margin for my needs incl photo editing.
@zak Glad you have found your distro! I am relatively new to Linux (but much longer time in plans). I have landed differently, for time being. My 1st choice is Mint (Cinnamon, Xfce on low spec) with Debian Xfce as 2nd. Tested a couple more. I do not rule out I change to something else one day. This is my private life. Can't help but tell about this podcast: https://distrohoppersdigest.blogspot.com/
@shawnp0wers ...and explains why you started 90 days of mayhem to be executed Every day in a row! ;-)
@mattblaze Because DMs are not secure (and like your case weird), DMs are disabled on the instance I'm on. So no matter how many DMs I receive, I will not see them!
It will not be a habit, but no rule without exception. So, I show my lunch-dinner plate of today. Before I started to eat. Salmon & Co. #food
For the non-virologists: My lab wants to understand how a virus rearranges the innards of a cell to turn it into a virus factory. The simple RNA viruses we study, such as the common cold virus and other respiratory viruses, do this quickly (3-4h) and ruthlessly. If one virus gets in, hundreds will emerge, and the cell is dead within several hours. #virology #LoveVirology #AFM
As a blind individual, I have to say that #Caturday on #Mastodon is far far more enjoyable then at #Twitter, where the vast majority of cat photos are not described.
It is also been fascinating for me to hear descriptions written by those who sent the image, immediately followed by Apple image recognition’s attempts to describe the same image. Only rarely does that add anything to the ALT, & often directly contradicts it.
There is no auto magical solution to image description. It is something best done by a human, for only that human can explain the “why” of the image: the reason that image was chosen to speak so eloquently without words for those who can see it. ALT allows you to provide those words.
Stort och innerligt tack för allt ditt engagemang för alla människors lika värde och kamp mot alla former av rasism! Vila i frid!
Nu är det upp till oss andra att fortsätta kampen!
Snow fall today in much of Sweden today. Perfect day (night) for the classic ”Snön faller och vi med den” with and by Ulf Lundell who turns 73 today. So join me and enjoy for 5 min: https://youtu.be/RNII08kOtj0 #snow #snö #UlfLundell
@siriwikander En reflektion om twitter och kommentarer är att det är väldigt ämnesberoende. Om jag tex skriver eller kommenterar ngt om Linux, 5G eller liknande tekniskt, då är det lugnt. Däremot blir det annorlunda vid ämnen som svensk politik, miljö, invandring och ”sånt”. Och jag lär öht slippa en mängd kommentarer relaterade till mitt kön, hudfärg och ”liknande” som andra utsätts för. Förutom algoritmer är sökningar svårare här, begränsas mkt till # som försvårar konfliktsökande.
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer