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I'm looking for an old computer to play with, from the 80s or 90s. What kind of computer do you think I could possibly find on EBay etc. with about $75? (Sorry if that's a ludicrously low price. I'm not including a monitor and keyboard in that price, though.)

Some old computer categories that I've thought of are Commodore, IBM ThinkPad, and IBM PC.

The largest phone service provider in Denmark TDC is down, meaning half the Danish population cannot use their phones, including calling 1-1-2 (The EU equivalent of 9-1-1).

Emergency vehicles have been placed in Copenhagen to allow citizens to ask for help directly in case of an emergency.

If you are in Denmark and need assistance, please note that anyone with a different mobile service can help you call 1-1-2. Alternatively, by removing your SIM-card, you can call 1-1-2 circumventing TDC.

@CM30 I always hate clickbait... do a good job with content creation and you shouldn't need it anyway.
Or if clickbait becomes your only way you can think of to get attention, try another job!
(By clickbait I don't mean attractive thumbnails etc. I mean when they are dishonest and misleading.)

@briankrebs I don't believe in LGBT gender ideology at all but I respect the use of "they". I think its new usage is a welcome addition to English. Saying "he or she" is rather cumbersome, and when dealing with blurry online identities like the ones you deal with, they could be singular or plural.

When I talk about the importance of going all in on the Fediverse, I speak based on experience.

At Opera we built a massive user community. When I quit, we had something like 35 million registered users and 35 million monthly visitors.

The new Opera management did not see the value of that. They believed it was cheaper and better to just use Facebook and that investing in your own community was a waste of money. So they closed down MyOpera and built a following on Facebook and Twitter instead. Then they got caught by the bait and switch when Facebook changed and you would no longer reach your audience, without paying. Later on Twitter changed as well.

This is important to explain to companies and institutions as they go shopping for social media sites to invest in. The best investment is clearly in your own site, being part of the Fediverse. It is not even all that expensive to do. It may take longer to build, but at least it is your own.

Not saying you cannot build a following on those other sites, but your long term strategy should be the Fediverse with your own server.

We try to lead the way here and thus we build Vivaldi Social. Not just for our selves, but to make a point and support the Fediverse.

#fediverse #Mastodon #Twitter #Threads #BlueSky #Vivaldi

@L0G1S @briankrebs I feel you. Windows is always getting in the way of people who know what they're doing. (And to a lesser degree, people who don't)

@agx Wow I didn't know that, is that a recent change?

@briankrebs Isn't this what Brave is trying to do? Where you pay a central service, who then pays for you to not see ads; letting you avoid seeing ads while still keeping free information on the Web profitable. (Is that what they were doing?)

Getting into digital logic design a bit as a hobby (for a big personal project). I read an awesome book a while ago called "But How Do It Know?".
Still learning, but is it just me or are multiplexers the answer to all my problems? 😆


@mike Maybe he needs something loud enough for him to experiment with singing 🤷

What motivates you the most to try a new game?
What’s the first thing you look for? Pleas feel free to vote and share your thoughts! #poll #question #gameing #games #gamedev #today #game #indigamedev

@wherebreadisfound Thank you for the read!
Maybe you could do one on Matthew 15:1-9, as well.

I just began to get an idea... but someone already took 😩

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