Maybe instead of setting up a page listing them, prominently flag their business listing as engaging in fraud and lower their star count to near zero?
@royal Crap
So some of you might remember this post (and the subsequent demonstration on national news) of using a voice cloning tool (AI, Audio Deep Fake) by @racheltobac
Link to post:
(If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Rachel is amazing.)
I'd never needed to do a similar attack before, but! I was just tasked yesterday with researching it.
Asked some friends for a turn-key solution to clone voices. Got pointed to a website. Signed up for $1 a month (first month... then it goes to $5 a month thereafter).
Pulled some audio of my mark down from a youtube interview (a podcast works great too).
Only needed a minute's worth of audio.
Uploaded it to the website for cloning.
Typed out a quick script for the voice to read.
30 seconds later, I had my cloned audio.
It was so good, that it even included natural voice inflections AND!!! verbal pauses like umm's and uhh's that matched the mark's original presentation. I can't tell the difference between the cloned voice and the original person.
Y'all... voice cloning and audio deep fakes are well past the ease of "script-kiddy" level. Anyone can do it.
#infosec #hacking #socialEngineering #scams #deepfake #AI #phishing #vishing
@evan We both believe that beings have rights and dignity. You seem to believe that there theoretically can be machines that are beings, and I don't
@evan I prefer it. DNS and the Internet are more than just the Web, so I like the idea of having a subdomain that can point to your webserver.
@evan We both believe that beings have rights and dignity. You seem to believe that there theoretically can be machines that are beings, and I don't
@evan This isn't about denying rights and dignity, this is about whether AI are actually *beings* (and thus whether rights and dignity apply). About the being-on-the-wrong-side-of-history thing — lots of good things have been on the wrong side of history.
I'll never charge you fees to scream into the void
@evan I'm saying AI is not conscious, not humans.
@evan Human-equivalent AI being treated equivalently to humans... many don't believe AI can ever even be alive, no matter how human-like it may appear.
We can arrange physical particles, but consciousness itself is something fundamentally beyond physics. And so AI is consciousless.
@kylebanks I think it adds a natural element to it.
@royal Good Morning by Mandisa! 😀
@kyle You remind me of myself. There's always an overabundance of interesting things to do!
@CM30 Big fan I see :)
You know, if PCs came with embedded #FPGAs it might be possible to actually, more or less, 'download more RAM'. #dedotatedWAM
@codrusofathens You get it!
Hello there!
I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.
I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/
#Christian #coding #HaikuOS #Linux #privacy #FOSS #Fediverse #SmashBros #SSBU #LegendOfZelda
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