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"A compilation of US analog shutdowns from 2009 (multiple POVs)"

Feels sad to watch... I appreciate the robust nature of , always have, always will

The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course is published!

This book doesn't aim to be an exhaustive guide to everything you need to know to be a system administrator. Instead, this book allows me to act as a remote mentor to someone starting out in IT or system administration whether as a full-time job or as a full stack developer.

It's available in premium hardcover, paperback, and ebook forms here:

I like it when something has the function its appearance suggests.

@kyle Sorry to hear that! But I'm glad you're staying as an advisor. Good luck with the book. When it is out I want a copy, it sounds interesting and like it could be very helpful to me!

If you installed a Linux system with disk encryption more than a couple of years ago, there's a decent chance it's using a weak key derivation function and someone who cares enough would be in a position to brute-force it. has more details and instructions on how to update to a better KDF.

@survey I'm excited about Large Language Models and open source. This isn't the best example, but :

I certainly don't have all the answers, and this is by no means an original topic, but I would like to prompt some thoughts and discussion... There are tons of examples in the bible of giving to the poor and needy, lots of examples of being generous, there is no question that it's a good thing to do... But we don't want to be enabling people to continue in a bad situation, of course the obvious example is them spending any money given to them on drugs and alcohol or whatever... (I've heard that's especially bad here in AK)
I personally believe that the best solution is to give generously anyway (we don't want to make it a test that they have to pass or something) and follow up with spending some real time with them, getting to know their real needs, loving on them, etc. But obviously that takes time, and a certain level of discernment and also some gifting in that area that not everyone has... Another idea I've heard is giving out gift cards, so it's harder to use poorly... But that also limits some level of spicific blessing that we could be... Thoughts?

@CM30 It being made by Illumination had me worried as well.
All-round, I liked the movie. I do wish it had the seriousness that the trailers made it look like it had.

Why does Ctrl+W (close tab) have to be the same keyboard shortcut as deleting one word on the 😭

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Don't you hate it when you are typing something long on the , and when you hit submit, there's an error (e.g. timeout) and all your progress is lost? Or, you accidentally close the tab and when you re-open it, all your work is gone?

I was filling in a box with a lot of text, and I accidentally hit Ctrl+W ( users, ya know!!), which closed the tab. The webpage failed to inhibit closing the page or having a draft saved. Ah, well, I lost less text than this post has 😄

Those who think they have the world figured out understand it the least.

We’re at the random parts with wires sticking out dev phase.

Here we’re performing initial crude thermal tests.

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Ethan Black's choices:

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