@samuel jag är inte säker på vad transaktionell innebär här och vad det spelar för roll men jag tänker ändå passa på att rekommendera Fripost 🙂
🇬🇧 Is your government supporting #ChatControl? Do you want it to? Help change its position in time for the next vote later this year (it will be extremely tight)!
This is what you can do now to save privacy and encryption:
Det verkar som att Chat Control är på agendan igen:
"Chat control is back on the agenda of EU governments. They will discuss “progress” on 10/11 October and are to endorse it on 12/13 December."
Maila de svenska partierna som stöder Chat Control (S, M, L och KD) och fråga om varför de vill massövervaka alla helt utan brottsmisstanke
Take action to stop chat control now! – Patrick Breyer
Mina privata data känns inte supertrygga i Orbans EU-händer.
Släng Chat Control 2.0-förslaget i soptunnan och bränn det sedan!
@echo_pbreyer I'm ashamed to see my country (Sweden) in red there. 😠
@TCatInReality @samlitzinger I think Marina Hyde makes some good points here: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/09/joe-biden-instruction-manuals-beat-trump
@TCatInReality I think the reason they don't call on Trump to step down is that it's meaningless, everybody knows that Trump will not listen. Calling on him to do that would risk creating the impression that it's up to him to decide what happens. I think it's good that they instead call on the R party to reject him, and on voters to not vote for him.
If someone puts a turd on their plate and prepares to eat it, it makes little sense to call on the turd to get off the plate.
@iam_jfnklstrm jag blir nyfiken på proportionerna mellan knark och tejp där, alltså var det 1 kilo knark och 4 kilo tejp eller vad? Och hur påverkar det åtalet, är det en separat åtalspunkt för tejp-brott?
> several reports now
> claiming that LinkedIn stopped
> penalising external links in 2020
I don't know the answer to that, just want to say that in my opinion the bigger problem with LinkedIn is that it's a private company's platform that seems to have succeeded in creating the impression that "you have to be there". That alone is enough reason to boycott it. LinkedIn may or may not be abusing that position at the moment, the bigger problem is that they can abuse it anytime they wish.
@OpenSciTwente @oscu @oscmaastricht @oscgroningen the following have been useful for me:
- GNU/Linux operating system
- LaTeX for preparing articles
- Octave for making graphs
- Dia for making diagrams
- emacs text editor
- gcc for compiling programs
I think it would be good to raise awareness of the fact that any proprietary software used in a research process is bad for reproducibility, so should be avoided. It should be possible to reproduce your research using free (as in freedom) tools.
Upptäckte att #sverigesradio inte längre erbjuder en rss feed för Sommar och Vinter i P1. Eftersom jag gärna lyssnar på episoderna i min podcatcher så skrev jag ett litet script som skapar en rss som borde funka med alla podcatchers:
…and here are my #FreeSoftware bits for June:
@karlemilnikka aha, okej. Ursäkta att jag babblar på här utan att ha läst artikeln 🙂
@implementcontrols if you only want to escape from github without going all the way to self-hosting, then @Codeberg might be an option: https://codeberg.org/
@karlemilnikka har de verkligen inte funktionen "ladda ner alla mina dokument" eller motsvarande? Det borde man väl kunna, behövs ju t.ex. om man vill exportera allting för att man vill byta till en annan tjänst?
@karlemilnikka eller ladda ner hela klabbet och söka lokalt? 🙂
@implementcontrols yeah just that word should do it, I went with a filter for "youtu.be" also since that seems to be quite common now.
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.