I need some help figuring out how to move away from #github as a #git repo server. As I rebuild my #homelab for #selfhosting it doesnt seem sensible to rely on #microsoft anymore. I have run my own git server locally previously, but its a little chicken and egg as I need to build out my new network, backups etc, which I want to manage under version control! What does #mastadon think is the best method of config management in 2024?

@implementcontrols I run my own Kubernetes cluster with S3 and Postgres on local storage (Application based replication) and a NAS with #illumos ZFS and NFS for things that can't use S3. Also I want to have one node of the S3 cluster on the NAS for stability. With Kubernetes Oprators which run the Backup etc. for postgres and minio it's very reliably. With Talos you can extend that local cluster to a VPS worker aswell. And it's Very high availability. And once setup autorecovers.

@Toasterson sounds amazing! I think that is out of my skill and hardware level for now! :D


@implementcontrols if you only want to escape from github without going all the way to self-hosting, then @Codeberg might be an option: codeberg.org/


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