@stupeflo @fdroidorg I can't tell what the issue is, can you elaborate? Or even better, open an issue: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/issues
@friend @grote @kde @fdroidorg thanks. also, we're happy to help the maintainer of any repos with this issue. Just reach out via any of the channels, e.g. https://f-droid.org/about/#contact
The F-droid app is undergoing major changes: Faster and smaller updates thanks to a new repository format.
For this, we needed to change the entire app database. To ensure that there are no regression we need your help: Please install the latest alpha version of F-Droid 1.16 and report anything unusual.
Just what I needed: some good news about the #climate impact of the #EU. The EU has probably contributed the most to #ClimateChange so we should also be staying on top of the solutions. "Wind and solar were EU’s top electricity source in 2022 for first time ever" https://www.carbonbrief.org/wind-and-solar-were-eus-top-electricity-source-in-2022-for-first-time-ever/
@openandroidinstaller @calyxos @calyxinstitute Ok that makes sense. I like the idea of a "one stop shop" for installing ROMs, but I guess that will be left for future work. It makes sense for you to focus on the TWRP case first and get that working well. Then perhaps, if all goes well, then bundle in other install methods so that non-technical users can just `apt-get install openandroidinstaller` then install the OS of their choosing. Of course, as a DD, I'd also like to see things in #Debian
@openandroidinstaller how would we go about getting another ROM added? @calyxos should definitely be there, and devs from @calyxinstitute can help.
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Open Technology Fund Announces ‘Free and Open Source Software’ Sustainability Fund
> The Open Technology Fund is pleased to announce the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Sustainability Fund, a new mechanism to support the long-term maintenance of FOSS projects and the communities that sustain them.
At #FOSDEM, @marcel_kolaja will present the #EU pilot project to look into open-sourcing the EU's apps and publishing them outside of #BigTech including on @fdroidorg. @eighthave will join, talking about how F-Droid will help pull the EU towards #FreeSoftware. Join us! https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/eu_app_stores/
@sergii yes, that is one case. If you read the whole article, you'll also see that some soldiers are calling the hotline from Russia before they've even made it to Ukraine.
Imagine if there was a billion in aid to #Ukraine to convince more Russian soldiers to desert. #NonViolent tactics like this are effective, and are much cheaper and vastly less destructive than the many 10s of billions in military aid that is flowing there.
The Eclipse Foundation has studied the Cyber Resilience Act and is very worried about the implications for open source foundations.
The DEA issued me a glomar answer in response to my FOIA request on whether they acquired phone hacking tech Graphite from Paragon.
Even though the NYTimes reported the DEA acquired the phone hacking tech.
Spent half a day on 6 lines of code. Why is web-development always a major pita? Anyway when this gets deployed it might finally become possible to share links to apps on #FDroid here, without #mastodon getting all confused and rendering wrong previews.
@travisfw @fdroidorg it is still an open question who that funding will go to, as far as I know, the default for EU Pilot Projects is to do them internally.
#FDroid in an #EU "Pilot project — De-monopolized access to EU applications"... "The focus of the pilot project includes EU institutions releasing their apps on existing alternative app stores, including f-droid that aims at promoting apps released under open source licenses"