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so I just realized I did a sizable project and never posted about it publically

last year I spent a few months on and off reverse engineering Pinball Fantasies (a 1992 video game; originally for Amiga, though I was reversing the more polished DOS port) with the intent of doing a game engine recreation, and then rewrote the logic as a Rust program

you can grab the result here: ; if you're interested in the internals of a 1992 DOS game written by demoscene people, I wrote down some (rather incomplete) notes here:

I'd also like to thank @domi for porting this thing to browser environment with WASM, and hosting the result:


I used to be a frequent game jam attender. At game jams, you come up with a game idea and implement it from scratch, all within (usually) 48 hours. You can imagine that the resulting code tends not to be particularly beautiful; what matters is how it works when presented at the end of the jam. Did it crash on stage? No? Excellent!

Whenever I dig into the code of out-of-tree vendor-provided kernel drivers I keep wondering whether they were developed in a similar fashion 🤔

Just want to quickly share with #linuxmobile folks that the new #libcamera softwareISP does indeed work with the #librem5 - and with a #PipeWire + #GStreamer pipeline. Here's a first image with Warp (from Flathub) running.

There's still some stuff to iron out to make this work reliably and ship to users - but things are falling into place.

Turns out that "should last years" was a bit too optimistic - it does last about a single year though in practice, which is good enough :)

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All Your Base Are Belong to LLM

"The output from an LLM is a derivative work of the data used to train the LLM.

If we fail to recognise this, or are unable to uphold this in law, copyright (and copyleft on which it depends) is dead. Copyright will still be used against us by corporations, but its utility to FOSS to preserve freedom is gone."

#FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LLM #AI

@maltimore Yeah, I should probably add that some app/stacks do better than others, which is one reason why you see vastly different performance, often also depending on the used HW.

For most devices, the work here will mainly impact battery life. But especially in the #LinuxMobile and low-end area the difference is quite visible. I.e. devices like the #librem5 or #PinePhonePro can play 4k videos just fine and shouldn't heat up when doing so, just like other phones.

Laptop died yesterday but thanks to the , the Baseus Dock, an HDMI Screen, a USB keyboard and 's docked mode I have access to most of the things via my phone.

helps a lot as that means I have my ssh keys available by just plugging it in.

Took me about 15min to notice that I didn't even plug a mouse in.

We are releasing the fix in staging and it should be available within the hour. Place make sure you upgrade to 6.6.27+librem5-2 if you are in staging (If you were using the trixie repo, no need to do anything!)

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Very, very happy that our proposal for adding #cellbroadcast support to #ModemManager and #Phosh was accepted by @NGIZero : 🗼 〰️ 📱


That's how straight lines look like through your phone's camera lens. Such distortion needs to be corrected in software.

A new release of #feedbackd is out (

Besides some cleanups the user visible change is that "blessed" apps can now override the global feedback level so e.g. your alarm clock can ring even when the phone is in quiet mode (


Randomly stumbled upon Sean Moss-Pultz's short post about Openmoko, featuring some photos of a working prototype of GTA03/3D7K, the cancelled successor to the Neo Freerunner that was being worked on around 2009. So far I have only heard verbal descriptions of how it looked like (usually described as "a soap dish" 😂) and seen photos of some casing mock-ups and bare PCBs, but never a complete device.

"If you make your own engine you'll never ship a game"

I'm here to tell you this is BS. Kitsune Tails uses a custom engine built on a custom framework all made from the ground up by yours truly. Neither of these were even remotely the bottleneck for development duration. Turns out that the thing that takes the most time when you're developing a game is all the stuff that is hyper specific to that game and can't be generalized anyway

Not to mention all the, you know, actual content that sits on top of the engine. I can write a json parser and serializer from the ground up in a day or two, but all the cutscenes I had to script for KT took many weeks

Then there's the fact that if I'd used an out of the box physics solution for Kitsune Tails I'm fairly certain I'd never have been able to nail the game feel it has, which is the most core thing to the whole experience

You don't *have* to make an engine but quit pretending doing it is the hard part of making a game. It fucking ain't

Hey it's totally cool that #microsoft #GitHub blocked access to one of the repositories in the very center of the xz backdoor saga. :blobeyes:

It's not like a bunch of people are scrambling to try and make sense of all this right now, or that specific commits got linked to directly from media and blogposts and the like. :blobcatcoffee:

Cool, cool. :blobcatfingerguns:

I know the next 3-7 days will be filled with exaggeration and doomsday talk, but IMHO the #xz backdoor, though seemingly meticulously planned for a long time, failed miserably as it was caught at a stage where it wasn't widely deployed but only in testing/prerelease distros. Yes, it made it quite far in the supply chain but it ultimately failed. The mess is being cleaned up, no cases of actual use of the exploit in the wild are known thus far. The immune system of FOSS has worked. Again.

First known symbolic gesture observed in birds; scientists recorded the Japanese tit using repetitive wing movements to signal "after you" to others.

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