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@silmeth It's been empirically verified that this algorithm performs well even under much higher memory pressure. zram or smth, I guess 馃し

@mkljczk Ale偶 takie przetwarzanie j臋zyka naturalnego to jest akurat jedno z nielicznych prawilnych zastosowa艅 tych technologii.

Looks like this may be The Year of Fractional Scaling on Wayland (read: I've just started to use it and neither my eyes nor laptop fans begged me to disable it right away)

Technical and legal aspects of radio communication. Long. 

@licho The certification is what makes the hardware licensed and it (in principle) involves not letting the device be used in an unlicensed way.

For details you'll have to check the specific laws and regulatory bodies in particular jurisdictions.

@licho IANAL; the viability of "it's illegal, but I'll be fine unless I get caught" approach is something you'll have to consider by yourself 馃槀

@jacqueline @mntmn When cross-compiling is a pain, an arm64 container with qemu-user takes all that pain away (for the fair price of performance).

@licho These devices usually contain a broadband module (not unlike the ones in Librem 5 or PinePhone) that's already certified.

And yes, under most jurisdictions you're not allowed to transmit at all without a license; the bands that you can use for stuff like Wi-Fi etc. (with some restrictions) are explicitly allowed to be used unlicensed, and the frequencies used in cellular networks aren't included there:

@licho However, if what you're after is experimenting with cellular tech, then why wait? You can do it today. Get a and replace its modem M.2 card with something like uSDR:

@licho While it's possible, LTE isn't easy to do on SDR - you need full duplex and you'll need a coprocessor for it anyway, or your main AP won't ever sleep and will be under constant real-time pressure. Then you'll need to get it certified if you want to actually use it on public networks. I'm afraid you'd end up with something uncannily similar to a closed LTE/4G modem, just slower and hungrier for power 馃槣

welcome to our hackerspace, you can find some hair elastics for your projects in a box over there

@karpour WAP 2.0 i need to test.

WAP 1.x is special. (warning infodump)

WAP was designed to work over different bearers, SMS, USSP (those #123# numbers that show text), even rare DECT versions exist... and CSD aka modems. The last one became the standard till GPRS became a ting in networks as it had large data. However looking at the low amount of data that fits into a bearer and the low amount of memory in 1999 phones a solution had to be found

@lritter @zeborah @_nibbles @GyrosGeier Frankly, when it comes to basic smart home things, it's at a point where "time-costly buy-in" was already done by others. It's like building from LEGOs now.

That said, it's taking me two years and counting to lay the cables and connect my already LEGO-built OpenTherm controller to my boiler, so I understand the friction very well 馃槀

@grzgrz Nic zaskakuj膮cego. Matematyka polega na abstrakcji, a arytmetyka to tylko jedno z wielu jej narz臋dzi do rozwi膮zywania problem贸w. Je艣li kto艣 nauczy艂 si臋 rozwi膮zywa膰 konkretny problem tylko w jednym kontek艣cie, to nie ma to jeszcze z matematyk膮 wiele wsp贸lnego, nawet je艣li w 艣rodku s膮 liczby - a tak si臋 zreszt膮 cz臋sto ko艅czy matematyka w szkole, gdzie dzieciaki ucz膮 si臋 algorytm贸w na pami臋膰 i nikt nie pomaga im ujrze膰, sk膮d one si臋 w og贸le bior膮.

@Geodad478 Partial updates are possible in Debian, but I was updating Arch today. apt is just so much more robust than pacman.

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