I'm waiting for a #linuxphone that comes with a universal software defined radio peripherial instead of a closed LTE/4G modem and the calling, texting and networking is just realized on the SDR module.

@licho While it's possible, LTE isn't easy to do on SDR - you need full duplex and you'll need a coprocessor for it anyway, or your main AP won't ever sleep and will be under constant real-time pressure. Then you'll need to get it certified if you want to actually use it on public networks. I'm afraid you'd end up with something uncannily similar to a closed LTE/4G modem, just slower and hungrier for power 😜


@licho However, if what you're after is experimenting with cellular tech, then why wait? You can do it today. Get a and replace its modem M.2 card with something like uSDR: crowdsupply.com/wavelet-lab/us

@dos hah awesome, I didn't know it's available

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