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while a few lines in bash already provided all the required functionality, the intercom control panel still needed some extra code for proper UX

@naugtur I think it's more a matter of fediverse's liberal boosting culture. It's easier for posts to break out of your followers' clique, and they don't have to get massively viral to do that.

I get it that my mobile Linux posts will have an easier time to find their audience here than anywhere else, but the difference is jarring. Even with posts about music or cats, here it actually feels like people read them. On Bluesky, they're being accidentally found by a single traveler who passes by 😄

@rail_ men will literally create several activitypub implementations instead of going to therapy

@rail_ @ptrc Also, those R1.1s are bidirectional and the city's current track building strategy is to cut costs and avoid building terminus loops, which requires such rolling stock.

Also, they're pretty similar to already operated Siemens Combino trams.

Also, they're likely to outlast not just 105Na, but also Tatra RT6N1 trams, the least reliable tram that rides on Poznań's tracks.

Also, Poznań is waiting for 30 new trams literally right now and prepares a tender to buy 30 more.

Also... 😭😭😭😭

@grumpygamer I'm using CommaFeed. While it can be self-hosted, you can just sign up at as well.

The recording of "postmarketOS - what is it and what's new?" has been released!

Not in the video: three very nice people in the front immediately holding up their laptops as somebody in the audience asks about postmarketOS on other devices than phones 😀

Check out the other talks from the FOSS on Mobile Devices room too. I saw most of them and they were quite interesting!

Looking at my profiles, it's funny how dead Bluesky feels compared to Mastodon and the Fediverse. There's barely any interaction on my posts - and most of what's there comes from accounts bridged from Mastodon anyway. Hashtags don't seem to do anything.

It still does better than Twitter though 😂

@valpackett @postmarketOS I lucked out, as USD exchange rate was extremely convenient at the time and I had just finished a summer project and received money that almost exactly covered the Freerunner's price 😁

@camelCaseNick @postmarketOS I think it's just a matter of pmOS gaining some wider recognition these days, I don't think it's intentional. The only past project in this space that was similarly well-known was perhaps Openmoko, but its nature was a bit different.

SHR also targeted some Android phones, but it never really went far with them. Today's hardware ages much slower and is much more similar across brands than it used to 15 years ago, so it's easier for community efforts to progress.

@dos @postmarketOS yes I presume OpenEZX might have been the first attempt at open source software for the application processor of a smartphone. At least I didnt know any other such project back then. It sadly never went very far, as several key contributors including I got "distracted" with doing #openmoko - but that was also a good thing, of course

@postmarketOS Actually, which project could be considered the first one? 🤔 Let's ignore PDAs as their history is longer.

The earliest one I'm personally aware of is @LaF0rge's OpenEZX from 2005, targeting Motorola's Linux phones.

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@pabloyoyoista @postmarketOS I myself have started at 16yo - and holy cow, this stuff is now older than I was back then 😅

@eloy @postmarketOS I'll be actually doing something like that next week at the local ILFS Day meetup 😁

@deedend @postmarketOS @anjan I'm not aware of anything still maintained that would run on GTA02, but it you want to play with archeology then SHR 2012.07 images are actually preserved by the Wayback Machine:

@ptrc @postmarketOS It's just because you'll either get "but Android is Linux" or "but Alpine isn't GNU" smartasses if you don't tiptoe enough with your words there 😂

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