Seems @postmarketOS is now successful enough for some people to think it was the first community-run GNU-like/Linux distro for phones.
Let me remind you that SHR would turn 17yo this year, and it wasn't even the first one. I bet some #postmarketOS contributors are younger than that 😄
@marmarta Yeah... Last year I wanted to get behind the Linux Mobile stand to help, lasted about 3 minutes and noped hard 😂 I did plenty of expo booths in my life, but that one was wild. Some FOSDEM buildings seem friendlier for stands, but in some you just end up with this crowded street market energy.
Flow –the animated sensation of the year– was created in Blender! Francesco had a chat with director Gints Zilbalodis to discuss his experience working on the film. The interview covers topics such as learning Blender, working with a team (actually multiple small teams), using add-ons, and single-handedly lighting and rendering the film. Enjoy: #b3d
Really had an amazing day at #FOSDEM today. The #LinuxOnMobile stand was absolutely *heaving* all day (as were our neighbouring @postmarketOS and @calyxos stands) even after all the other stands had left.
So much interest in #AsteroidOS, #SailfishOS, #Mobian and @linmob So great to see so many new and familiar faces.
My only regret is that I didn't get to go to any talks. I'll have to set aside two weekends to watch all the videos!
If you're at #FOSDEM and interested in running #Linux on your phone or watch (you should be!) then swing by the #LinuxOnMobile stand on Saturday or Sunday in building K, stand K1-C-6! We'll have #AsteroidOS, #Mobian, #SailfishOS, the @jolla Mind2 and more to test out and try. @linmob will be there with stickers and insight. Plus @postmarketOS and @calyxos are right next door!
Getting ready for the #fosdem #LinuxOnMobile devroom. Matrix chat room
I remember when the first #Blender Open Movie Project was coming along almost 20 years ago - and today I just came back from the cinema having watched a movie that I only incidentally learned was completely made in Blender 🐈⬛
"Flow" was so intense though, I wasn't prepared for that 😭
Wanna know what's new in #phosh? @devrtz will give a short overview in the FOSS on Mobile devroom at #FOSDEM this weekend:
The devroom has a bunch of interesting talks on #LinuxMobile (and other #foss OSes):
@dalias @jpm @tithonium @foone With NetworkManager you can just give it a "shared" profile and it runs a DHCP server and sets up appropriate routing automatically. Then you can access the device without checking its IP over mDNS.
@foone That's been the default mode of USB comms for all my phones and tablet-like devices for the past two decades or so
@szulikszarecki @m0bi Generalnie to mocno zależy od konkretnego sprzętu i tego, jak dojrzałe jest wsparcie. Zresztą, energooszczędność energooszczędności nierówna. PinePhone wytrzyma na baterii kilka dni leżąc bezczynnie, ale będziesz szybko musiał go podłączyć po tym jak weźmiesz go do ręki. Librem 5 wytrzyma dobre kilka godzin zabawy, ale dłużej niż jakieś 20 godzin zarejestrowany w sieci nie poleży.
Osobiście to ja na L5 używam Waydroida gdy muszę i daję radę ;)
@m0bi @szulikszarecki Gdyby tylko jeszcze Sailfish był open source... 😜
The second part of the TVN24 reportage about the train locks will air today 20:30 CET! (Polish only, unfortunately)
@m0bi @szulikszarecki @postmarketOS @warroza @justsoup Oj oj oj, od "energooszczędnego sprzętu" do "energooszczędnego linuksa" baaaaardzo długa droga. Zwykle przechodzi ją producent gdy ogarnia Androida, choć i tak wiele z tego trzeba powtarzać jeśli nie chcesz wiecznie polegać na przestarzałym forku jądra.
Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog wydała ciekawy komentarz dotyczący naszej sprawy, analizując ją pod kątem bycia SLAPP-em -
@CollaboraOffice Weird set of choices. The only semi-relevant one would be "transparency", but it still doesn't really focus on the right thing. The actual answer would be "empowerment".
@mcskrzypczak Bilety na warszawskie SKM to zwykłe bilety na komunikację miejską ZTM, więc wybieraj tak, jakbyś kupował na autobusy, tramwaje lub metro.
@ptrc it's such an incredible disaster regardless of which side you look at it from, lol
Hi, I'm dos. Silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music and more. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.