Seems @postmarketOS is now successful enough for some people to think it was the first community-run GNU-like/Linux distro for phones.

Let me remind you that SHR would turn 17yo this year, and it wasn't even the first one. I bet some contributors are younger than that 😄

I have an OpenMoko device (unfortunately bought on ebay just 5 years ago, so I've missed the magic of those devices at their time). I assume there's nothing online that would work on it nowadays... I'm extremely time poor, and have too many projects, so I doubt I could dedicate any time to it anyway 😔
@postmarketOS @anjan


@deedend @postmarketOS @anjan I'm not aware of anything still maintained that would run on GTA02, but it you want to play with archeology then SHR 2012.07 images are actually preserved by the Wayback Machine:

@dos oh, thanks for the pointer: i still have my OpenMoko from back in the days.

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