apparently Poznań paid 46.5k EUR per tram for the NGT6D units from Bonn

...who wants to crowdfund a tram with me 🥺

@ptrc and it's important to note that a non-insignificant portion of the polish society had a massive pain in the ass about it

one of the "omfg we are buying literal running scrap metal from germany!!!! as if we couldn't make our own trams!!!"

completely ignoring that:
1. units bought were in really decent condition and really fairly modern, they are not 1950s vehicles that could run in North Korea lmao
2. they were available right away, as opposed to MANY YEARS of waiting for brand-new units (Poznań needs more trams as of yesterday)
3. cost of purchase, transport, necessary modifications and basic refurbishment is still MARGINAL compared to brand-new units


@rail_ @ptrc Also, those R1.1s are bidirectional and the city's current track building strategy is to cut costs and avoid building terminus loops, which requires such rolling stock.

Also, they're pretty similar to already operated Siemens Combino trams.

Also, they're likely to outlast not just 105Na, but also Tatra RT6N1 trams, the least reliable tram that rides on Poznań's tracks.

Also, Poznań is waiting for 30 new trams literally right now and prepares a tender to buy 30 more.

Also... 😭😭😭😭

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